this nutrient is essential for preventing neural tube defects in developing babies
what is folic acid
pregnant women should avoid high amounts of this stimulant found in coffee, tea and soda.
what is caffeine.
Pregnant women are advised to avoid lying in this position for long periods, especially in 1st trimester
On their back
Severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that can lead to dehydration
what is hyperemesis gravidarum
The first time a pregnant person feels their baby move in the uterus. It usually occurs around 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, but can happen earlier or later
what is quickening
pregnant women are advised to increase their intake of this mineral to help bone development
what is calcium
what is mercury
this is form of low impact exercise is generally safe and recommended for pregnant women
what is walking
This term describes premature separation from the placenta from the uterus
what is placenta abruption
starting around 28 weeks, this daily practice can help mothers monitor the baby's activity by counting movements
what is kick count
this vitamin helps absorb calcium and is often paired with prenatal vitamins
what is vitamin D
what is iron
This type of exercise strengthens the pelvic floor for labor preparation
what is kegel exercises
This condition where the placenta covers the cervix can lead to complications during delivery
what is placenta previa
This measurement from the mother's pubic bone to the top of the uterus is taken to track fetal growth
what is fundal height
This test done at around 24 to 28 weeks, screens for gestational diabetes
what is glucose tolerance test
pregnant women are advised to drink this many ounces of water daily
what is 80 ounces
exercise during pregnancy can help reduce the risk of this condition characterized by high blood pressure
what is preeclampsia
When a baby is in this position feet or buttocks first, instead of head down
what is a breech position
this non invasive test measures the FHR in response to movements usually performed in 3rd trimester
what is a non-stress test
This test performed between 35-37 weeks of pregnancy checks for what bacteria that could be passed from mother to baby
what is Group B streptococcal culture ( GBS)
What is PICA
this hormone which increases during pregnancy can make joints more flexible and can increase the risk of injury during pregnancy.
what is relaxin
Dizziness, lightheadedness, sweating, nausea and in severe cases fainting are symptoms of
what is supine hypotension
This test uses sound waves to create an image to the fetus and is commonly used to assess growth and development
what is ultrasound