Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Who knows?
The number of years that a person can expect to live is called?
Life expectancy
Name 2 of the factors that can influence the health of your life found in section 2 of chapter 1
heredity environment media technology healthcare behavior
What is prevention and give a good example of prevention.
taking action to avoid disease, injury and other negative outcomes. Ex: not smoking, wearing a seat belt
What is a warranty? And do apple products (Iphones, ipads etc) usually have them included?
An offer to repair or replace the product if there is a problem. No, that's where they get you! Miss Proper paid $175 to replace her screen, and that was with insurance!!! Rip off!
Who influences your first social environment and what things do they teach you?
Your family: things they teach you: brush your teeth before going to bed, wash your hands before you eat, look both ways before crossing the street
Draw and define what a continuum means. Give at least 3 examples of what you might find on a continuum. Describe the extremes of the health continuum. How are the choices people make related to their positions on the health continuum?
A gradual progression through many stages between one extreme and another. examples: Illness: Low energy level, frequent aches and pains, prolonged illness, negative outlook on life, isolated from others Wellness: High energy level, enthusiasm for life, strong sense of purpose, feeling of well-being, supportive relationships
If Joe's father was an alcoholic, what could heredity and risk factors have to do with each other and influence the life of Joe for good or bad?
If Joe is at risk for being an alcoholic, he should not take the risk of drinking alcohol.
What are values? Name at least 1 value that you have that helps you identify your alternatives and ultimately help you end up in control of the outcome.
Standards and beliefs that are most important to you.
What are some of the types of advertising methods that are mentioned in section 4? (p21) Which ones would Coca-cola be referred to as? Which ones would Mc Donald's be?
Scientific studies bandwagon approach testimonial comparison to other products emotional appeal price appeal
What is a goal? Give an example of a SMART Goal
A goal is a result that a person aims for and works hard to reach. Your example of a smart goal should have a number to measure it and be specific and realistic.
Why are both life expectancy and quality of life used to evaluate overall health?
Because if your life expectancy is 70 years old, but you have a horrible quality of life, your overall health isn't that great. Your life will not be as high quality as it could be if you had a better quality of life. Living long with low quality of life, is not fun or enjoyable.
Being that gender is an inherent quality (p6), could your gender be a health factor? If so how and why?
Each gender has different things that could affect them ie women: breast cancer men: Prostate cancer
The leading cause of death for young people is: A. Homicide B. Motor-Vehicle injuries C. Suicide D. Cancer Why?
B. Motor-Vehicle injuries Because people don't use seat belts (pg 12)
What is fraud and give an example of when it might be used.
Fraud: if a person tells lies to obtain money or property illegally. People sending emails telling you to call your bank etc or you will be billed. People doing automated phone calls and you call back and they have your information and use it against you.
What are at least 2 positive and 2 negative effects of media?
Positive: News: information about world and health Negative: less time with family being socially active, not physically active, influence of role models who indulge in risky behaviors.
Give an example of each type of health from the triangle.
Mental Health Emotional health Physical health Social health
What do the following examples represent? loud music that could damage your ears, 2nd hand smoke that could make you get lung cancer, radiation from the sun. 1. Physical environment 2. Social Environment 3. Culture
Physical Environment
What are 3 steps you can take to help you meet your healthy goals? A. going to school, taking notes, being nice B gaining awareness, gaining knowledge, building skills C. Building skills, looking on the internet, buying things on sale D. Walking your dog, knowing about reputable sources, saying nice things to your mom.
B gaining awareness, gaining knowledge, building skills (p.13)
What is quackery? What health claims have you seen that are too good to be true?
Quacks promise that a treatment or product will bring about a miracle cure or at least greatly improve a person's health. (Fad diets are a huge one)
What are 3 risks that you can control and 3 you cannot control?
example: pg 10 going to the beach, the sun will be there, you have fair skin, but you can put on sunblock or stay under an umbrella. You can't control when people pass away in your family, but you can figure out how to deal with it in a healthy way. You can't control someone smoking, but you can control if you will breathe in heavily or stand by them. You can control: your level of physical activity, your intake of fat, sugar, salt etc, your use of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs, your use of protective gear like helmets or seat belts, your friends you choose.
Two women are born in the same year. Sheila is physically active and mentally alert throughout her life. She has close relationships with family and friends. The other woman, Mary has a series of health problems during her life that reduces her ability to enjoy life. Although the women have the same life expectancy, they have a different ___________? Fill in the blank
Quality of life
Your friend Gina only has a learners’ permit. She offers you to drive you home from the movies so you don’t miss curfew. Name at least 2 benefits and 2 risks.
Benefits: Home before curfew, avoid argument with parents, show confidence in friend's skills. Risks: Inexperienced driver crashes car, parents are angry about decision, friend loses permit and is arrested and you are an accomplice.
What is a health literate person able to do? Give an example
A person with health literacy has the ability to gather, understand, and use health information to improve his or her health. Example, if you become aware of the amount of fat in certain foods you can choose to eat better foods that aren't as high in fat. Then you can apply the skill of decision making nd setting goals to lower your intake of high-fat foods.
Quickly with your team, design a form of advertising that will hook someone to buy your product. Each team that comes up with one that is good will earn 500 points. You have 3 min.
Answers will vary.
What does the acronym DECIDE stand for?
Define the problem Explore the alternatives Consider the Consequences Identify you values Decide and act