Revising and Editing

Read the following paragraph.

 I’m the only procrastinator in my family.  My parents and sister were all born with the “do it right now” gene.  Personally, I prefer a more relaxed pace.

Which sentence could BEST follow sentence 7 to support the ideas presented in the second paragraph (sentences 6–8)? 

A    My dad is an auto mechanic at a large car dealership, so he often has to work on the weekends. 

B    My sister is a few years older than me, and she has always done quite well in school.

C    My mom plans meals months in advance, and my sister turns in projects before they are due.

D    My parents enjoy traveling around the state and learning more about history.  

C    My mom plans meals months in advance, and my sister turns in projects before they are due.


Read this information about the word agitate. 

from Latin agitatus, meaning “to put in constant or violent motion” 

Based on this information, what is a synonym for the word agitated? 

A    Threatened 

B    Handled 

C    Bothered 

D    Served 

C. Bothered


Read the following paragraph.

But as perfect as everything looked, Avery couldn’t help feeling beset by doubts. More students began to arrive, and teachers and parents, and a mass of cards and gifts began to grow on the table next to the food. Avery held onto the large manila envelope she’d brought, a viper in her hand, agitated by thoughts that she should have gotten Mrs. Vadakin something else. 

The most likely reason the author uses the metaphor “a viper in her hand” is to — 

A    emphasize the strength of Avery’s fear

B    suggest that Avery’s concern is legitimate 

C    call attention to the unusual nature of Avery’s gift 

D    suggest that Avery’s gift may have a shocking result

A.    emphasize the strength of Avery’s fear


Read the following paragraph.

While Mrs. Vadakin played, Avery’s melody, full of light and shadows, filled the room. When the final haunting chord hung in the air, everyone burst into applause. Avery blushed but smiled back at Mrs. Vadakin, whose eyes glistened with tears.

Which phrase from the paragraph shows that Avery’s melody expresses a mixture of emotions?

 A    full of light and shadows 

B    filled the room 

C    final haunting chord 

D    hung in the air

  A.   full of light and shadows  


Read these sentences from paragraph. 

“I slid the meat into the sling and pulled it back as slowly as I could. Then, with a shout that echoed over the mountain and back again, I shot that meat right past our friend’s nose and so deep into the brush that I’m sure it took the puma quite some time to find it.” 

What can the reader infer from these sentences? 

A    Maya scares the puma with the meat. 

B    Maya enjoys watching the puma search for the meat. 

C    Maya plans to return for the meat after the puma leaves. 

D    Maya uses the meat to distract the puma.

D.    Maya uses the meat to distract the puma.


Which sentence  does not belong in the fourth paragraph (sentences 15–19).

A    Sentence 15

 B    Sentence 17 

C    Sentence 18

D    Sentence 19  

C.    Sentence 18


Read the following paragraph

pI brought him everywhere with me, keeping him hidden in my pocket. Sometimes at night I would stare at him, hoping he would reveal something to me about his past, but he stood steadfast and silent. 

Which word has the same connotation as steadfast as it is used in the paragraph?

 A    Unwavering 

B    Still 

C    Unresponsive 

D    Shallow

A.    Unwavering


Read the following paragraph.

He knew he was faster than everybody else at St. Patrick’s School. And at Springs School, for that matter. Nobody on either side of town could get in front of him. He was the best passer his age, even better than Ty Ross, who was better at everything in sports than just about anybody. He knew that when it was just kids—which is the way kids always liked it in sports—and the parents were out of the gym or off the playground and you got to just play without a whistle blowing every ten seconds or somebody yelling out more instructions, he was always one of the first picked, because the other guys on his team, the shooters especially, knew he’d get them the ball.

 How does the author’s use of language in the paragraph contribute to its tone? 

F  It conveys a sentimental feeling. 

G  It relays an element of sarcasm.

H  It creates a sense of confidence. 

J  It communicates a disrespectful attitude.

F It conveys a sentimental feeling.


Read the following paragraph.

George took a surplus Army wagon and rebuilt it with Osage orange, a wood so tough that Indians used it to make bows. The wagon’s iron axles were stronger than the wooden ones found on standard wagons, and the wider wheels lasted longer.

 The details in the paragraph support the key idea that chuck wagons were —

 A    made to withstand harsh conditions 

B    invented only after trial and error 

C    designed with the cook in mind 

D    sometimes used in military conflicts

A.   made to withstand harsh conditions


Read the following paragraph.

Texas rancher Charles Goodnight had a problem. He needed skilled cowboys to drive his herd of two thousand longhorn cattle to New Mexico to be sold. He couldn’t offer high wages. He couldn’t promise easy jobs or even nice weather. But he decided that decent, warm meals might entice men to work for him. 

Based on the paragraph, the reader can infer that ranchers —

 A    required cowboys only once every year for cattle drives 

B    tended to lose money driving their cattle to market 

C    often drove the cattle without the help of others 

D    struggled to get cowboys to work for them on cattle drives

 D.    struggled to get cowboys to work for them on cattle drives


What is the MOST effective revision to make in sentence 23? 

A    In a panic I ransacked our recycle bin, pulling out brown cardboard boxes, paper towel tubes, and paper scraps that I hastily glued together.

 B    In a panic I ransacked our recycle bin, pulling out brown cardboard boxes, paper towel tubes, and there were paper scraps that I hastily and quickly glued together. 

C    In a panic I ransacked our recycle bin, hastily and quickly gluing together what I pulled out, which was brown cardboard boxes, paper towel tubes, and paper scraps. 

D    In a panic I ransacked our recycle bin, pulling out and removing brown cardboard boxes, paper towel tubes, and paper scraps for hastily gluing together.

A.    In a panic I ransacked our recycle bin, pulling out brown cardboard boxes, paper towel tubes, and paper scraps that I hastily glued together.


Read the following paragraph.

A small child excitedly unwraps a present while her family watches and snaps photos as the toy inside is revealed. The child removes the toy, smiles at it, and then turns her full attention to the wrapping paper, the box, or maybe even the ribbon that had bound the gift together. Maybe she puts the box on her head or ties the ribbon to the leg of a table. This child is engaging in what educators and child psychologists refer to as open-ended play 

Read the dictionary entry. 

engaging \in-'gā-jiŋ\ v 1. entering into competition or combat 2. doing or taking part in a specific activity 3. coming together to interlock various components 4. arranging or obtaining the services of another Which definition best matches the use of the word engaging in the paragraph? 

A    Definition 1 

B    Definition 2

C    Definition 3 

D    Definition 4

B    Definition 2


Read the following paragraph.

A later study, which was published in the British Journal of Nutrition, also found that a willingness to try new foods can be learned by infants. The researchers determined that habitually giving a baby new foods when the flavor window is open makes the child more likely to enjoy those foods. In addition, liking those foods makes the infant more willing to try other new foods. This information suggests that parents should introduce new foods to babies during this stage. By doing so they will tend to appreciate new types of foods throughout their lives. 

What important idea about babies is emphasized through the details in the paragraph? 

F Babies are naturally resistant to trying new foods.

G Babies develop a favorite food if they eat that food multiple times.

 H Babies are most accepting of new foods when the flavor window is open. 

J Babies who are not exposed to new foods will experience a shortened flavor window.

G Babies develop a favorite food if they eat that food multiple times.


Read the following sentence. 

In a nanosecond I had to decide whether to tell the truth and risk losing a potential friend, or lie and live with the consequences. 

Which characteristic of realistic fiction is most evident in this sentence? 

F The setting is in a real or true-to-life location. 

G The story occurs in a contemporary or near-present time period.

 H The events raise questions that a reader could possibly face in everyday life.

J The narrative structure is presented with a definite beginning, middle, and end.

H The events raise questions that a reader could possibly face in everyday life.


Read the following paragraph.

Just because the flavor window closes at a young age doesn’t mean it can’t be reopened. The keys to expanding the type of foods one enjoys are persistence and exposure. A study published in Food Quality and Preference found that if toddlers are introduced to a new food five to 10 times, they can grow to like it. That amount goes up as children grow older. Ultimately, the study came to the conclusion that the flavor window may never be completely shut.

Based on the information in the paragraph , which inference can the reader make about flavor preferences? 

A Parents of toddlers are more likely to try new foods than people with older children are. 

B Toddlers tend to like more foods than older children do. 

C People can begin to enjoy new foods after trying them just once. 

D People can learn to like new foods at different times in their lives.

D People can learn to like new foods at different times in their lives.


Read the following sentence.

When I entered the cafeteria and saw everyone else’s models on display, I felt even more unusual about mine.

The word unusual is not the MOST appropriate word to use in this sentence. Select the correct word.

 A    indifferent

 B    suspicious 

 C    irritated 

D    embarrassed  

D. embarrassed


Read the following paragraph.

Texas rancher Charles Goodnight had a problem. He needed skilled cowboys to drive his herd of two thousand longhorn cattle to New Mexico to be sold. He couldn’t offer high wages. He couldn’t promise easy jobs or even nice weather. But he decided that decent, warm meals might entice men to work for him.

What does the word entice mean?

 A    To focus 

B    To require 

C    To treat 

D    To attract  

D.    To attract  


Read the following paragraph.

In 2014, researchers at the University of Birmingham released a study that showed people have a flavor window. The flavor window is open when an infant is four to six months old. During this time it is easier to get babies to try a food they have not previously tasted. The flavor window slowly closes, leaving most young children dubious of new foods. 

What does the word dubious mean?

A Greedy 

B Bored 

C Impatient 

D Uncertain

D Uncertain


Read the following sentence.

Read the following sentence.

 He’s quick as a river. 

What is the most likely reason a simile is used in this line? 

A    To suggest the athlete’s strength as he moves 

B    To suggest the onlookers’ excitement 

C    To evoke sudden, choppy movement 

D    To evoke rapid, smooth movement

D    To evoke rapid, smooth movement


Read the following paragraph.

When the Civil War ended in 1865, the camels at Camp Verde became the property of the U.S. government. A year later, the 66 remaining camels were auctioned off. Edward Beale, who had been so taken with the camels, bought some of them. Beale’s camels retired to his California ranch, where they lived in comfort. Others were bought and used to carry supplies over land. When these camels were no longer needed, the owners turned the camels loose. Over the years, settlers and miners claimed to see wild camels roaming the American Southwest.

Read the dictionary entry. 

retire \ rə-'tī(-ə)r \ v 1. conclude a working career 2. remove from danger 3. retreat from a position 4. withdraw to bed 

Which definition best matches the meaning of retired. 

A    Definition 1

B    Definition 2 

C    Definition 3 

D    Definition 4  

A    Definition 1


Read the following sentence.

The bolder and larger Headlines allow readers to find articles of interest quickly. 

What change should be made in the sentence 

A    Change Headlines to headlines

B    Change allow to allows 

C    Insert a comma after readers 

D    Change quickly to quick

A.     Change Headlines to headlines 


Read the following paragraph.

Urban planners believe high-speed trains are the best way to improve urban transportation in the United States. Promoters of high-speed transportation in the United States say that high-speed-train travel provides several benefits that will revolutionize our transportation system. In 2018 Florida opened the Brightline Express. This intercity rail system is a success with passengers. But should all U.S. cities embrace high-speed trains? There are good reasons to answer “yes” to the high-speed-train revolution! 

Read the dictionary entry. 

hassle \ˈha-səl\ n 1. a prolonged argument 2. a state of confusion 3. a debate or controversy 4. an inconvenient problem 

Which definition of the word hassle is used in the paragraph? 

A Definition 1 

B Definition 2 

C Definition 3 

D Definition 4  

C. Definition 3


Read the following paragraph.

A rather tall, scary girl from the other team took her place to serve. She looked like she could squish me like a bug. Grinning, the girl tossed the ball up in the air with ease. Then she smashed it in the desired direction. 

What is the most likely reason the author uses figurative language to describe the girl from the opposing team? 

A To emphasize that Millie feels weak and helpless on the court 

B To show that Millie is smaller than the other girls on the court 

C To suggest that the girl has been planning to embarrass Millie since the game started 

D To hint that the girl will make a mistake because she is being overconfident

A To emphasize that Millie feels weak and helpless on the court


Read the following sentence. 

Soldiers reported seeing this camel “swinging along, under a little mountain of carpet-sacks, cooking utensils, blankets, etc.” 

The most likely reason the author uses figurative language in this description of the camel is to 

A  support the purpose for the camels being sold 

B    emphasize the hardships the camels endured

C    convey the peculiar sight of the camels roaming

 D    describe the type of terrain traveled by the camels

B    emphasize the hardships the camels endured


Read the following paragraphs.

The House on the Rock may seem like a museum, but it is different in some important ways. It is not well lit, and few exhibits are labeled. Rooms are not logically connected to one another.  And although the items in some exhibits may look old and worthy, most are not. During his lifetime Jordan freely admitted that he and his artist friends had constructed many of the “antiques,” including suits of armor and even cars. Although the House on the Rock is not an actual museum, it is still an enjoyable attraction.  People don’t seem to care whether or not the items are genuine.

Ainsley’s paper ends abruptly. Which sentence can be added after to sum up the information in this paper and bring it to a more effective conclusion? 

A    They visit to be awed and entertained by the seemingly boundless imagination of one man.

 B    They are intrigued by the views and the massive rock on which the house was built. 

C    They usually say in exit surveys that they are simply unable to pick their favorite attraction. 

D    They enjoy distinguishing between the authentic artifacts and the created ones.  

A    They visit to be awed and entertained by the seemingly boundless imagination of one man.