Preparedness 101
Build My Kit
Make My Plan
Get Involved
Prep Potpourri

This is preparedness website that has information on staying informed, making a plan, building a kit, and being involved.


Besides food and water, name at least 6 other items you might want to include in your emergency preparedness kit.

What is medication, important documents, flashlight, pet items, childcare items, can opener, weather radio, lighter or matches, glasses, first aid kit, blanket, multi-purpose tool, extra batteries, cell phone chargers, cash, maps, extra keys, etc. (Multiple answers accepted).


Your family may not be together when a disaster strikes. It is important to write and have this in advance.

What is an Emergency Preparedness Plan or a Family Communications Plan?(Both are correct)


What number do you call in an emergency?

What is 9-1-1? 


Where to have smoke alarms? 

Every level of your home.





It is important to know which types of disasters could affect your area. These top three NATURAL hazards could impact you in Kansas.

What is tornadoes, wind storms, and severe weather. Also, floods, wildfires, ice storms and excessive heat.


FEMA recommends your emergency preparedness kit have food and other supplies for at least this many hours. 

What is 72 hours or 3 days?


During an emergency, when cell phone towers are overwhelmed, this is the best way to communicate with loved ones.

What is text message?


Everyone should learn this- it helps to maintain circulation when the heart stops.

What is CPR


Everyone should learn this- it helps maintain circulation when the heart stops.

What is CPR?



Put the 4 steps of Emergency Preparedness in order: Build A Kit, Be Informed, Be Involved, Make A Plan

Be Informed, Make A Plan, Build A Kit, Be Involved


The amount of water that should be in your emergency preparedness kit.

What is 1 gallon of water per person per day? (Don't forget your pets)


The two types of meeting places you should have identified in your family emergency plan. 

What is a meeting place outside your home and a meeting place outside your neighborhood? 


If you find yourself in an active shooter situation, you should follow these three guidelines. 

What is Run, Hide, Fight? 


What are 3 types of home emergencies?

What are fire, flood, something broke, locked out, gas leak, carbon monoxide, infestation, loss of power, storms, etc...


If you come across a flooded road when driving your vehicle, this is the best action to take to ensure your safety.

What is "Turn around Don't Drown"?


These are three places you should have an emergency preparedness kit. 

What is Home, Work, and Vehicle? 


What are 3 things that should be included in a family emergency plan?

Emergency contact numbers, ways to communicate, evacuation routes, meeting places, transportation, plans for elderly or disabled, plans for pets, etc...


These are the person or persons who live near or next door to you.

What is neighbors? 


True or False- Children don't drink as much as adults, so you can store less water for them.

What is false- You should store the same amount for both? Needs can be unpredictable.


The National Weather Service issues these to inform the public about weather .

What is warnings, watches and advisories?


An easy way to remember to check your emergency preparedness stocks every six months is with this saying. 

What is "Set your clocks, check your stocks"? 


Why should we practice our emergency plan?

To feel more ready for a disaster. To eliminate fear and anxiety.


How do you keep informed during severe weather?

What is radio, TV, weather alerts on phone, social media, etc...? 


What is a manual device used to open small metal cylinders?

What is can opener?