Medical Supplies
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This is needed on all patients before and after their abortion. It gives you information on the patients status. It consists of 2 numbers (one on top and one on bottom)
What is a blood pressure monitor?
These are used when patients have increased blood loss. They are used to replace fluid volume and important in emergencies.
What are IV fluids? (These are kept in all procedure rooms, recovery room, and on the crash cart)
If you are with a patient that faints and have alerted for help, the most important response is for you to stay with your patient and have this on hand
What is ammonia inhalant? Ammonia inhalants are very useful in circumstances where you patient loses consciousness. There are located in procedure room and recovery room.
My job is to stay with my patient and be there for her during this time. When I leave it causes feelings of anxiety, fear, apprehension, etc.
What is a Patient Support Staff? PLEASE REMEMBER TO STAY WITH YOUR PATIENTS REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE MD IS DOING. UTILIZE THE MUSIC, AROMATHERAPY, AND TIME TO FIND OUT WHAT WILL BE HELPFUL TO YOUR PATIENT. It is also expected that you assist your patient in getting dressed regardless of the local, oral, cs, or anesthesia.
Major symptoms of this problem includes: pale, sweaty, feeling lightheaded.
What is a vaso-vagal reaction? This reaction can happen after any procedure, including local. The best thing to do to stay with your patient and alert for help using the phone or calling. Safety is the most important issue.
This device monitors oxygen saturation and very important when giving anesthesia and sedation.
What is a pulse oximeter? Pulse oximeter is a device that is placed on a patient's finger and monitors the patient's percentage of oxygen carried by your blood cells.
I am a medication used in the event of an allergic reaction.
What is Benadryl? When in doubt...all emergency medications can be found on the crash cart in the medical hallway.
I should call on these people whenever something is medically wrong with my patient.
Who are nurses, doctors, and Angel? It is important to not delay time when your patient may need medical attention. PS staff should utilize their phones in the room when needed.
When I am a second trimester abortion patient, it is important to empty me before procedure.
What is bladder? The bladder should always stay full for patients less than 7 weeks and full for second trimester patients. This could lead to problems with procedure if not adhered to.
To prepare for this emergency, you need IV fluids, and medications (possibly misoprostol, methergine, pitocin).
What is hemorrhage? Hemorrhage is a medical emergency and can lead to death. It's described to as bleeding heavily and finding the source of the bleeding is the priority.
I am used to aid patients in the exchange of this particular gas. All conscious sedation and anesthesia patients receive me prophylactic.
What is oxygen? Oxygen is a medication and is kept in every procedure room and recovery room. It should always be available and stock in kept in the narcotic closet.
I am used in rare circumstances that bleeding is not controlled with medications, IV fluids, or uterine massage. I can be inserted into the uterus to create a tamponade and decrease bleeding.
What is a foley catheter? Foley catheters are usually inserted in the bladder to drain urine. They can be inserted in the uterus and filled with saline to attempt to stop bleeding. This can be found on the crash cart.
These are the ONLY people that should correspond with EMS squad.
Who are directors, nurses, doctors, and the MR for the day (when instructed)? Emergencies are already chaotic and can have an impact on the care that the patient receives or neglects to receive. During this time, it is important to limit the amount of people that are giving the EMS squad information. The only exception to this is for the PS that is expected to give information to the medical staff while in transport to the hospital and once arrived at the hospital.
I am to be used with all patients that are transferred to the recovery room.
What is a wheelchair? Always use your wheelchair and be aware of proper transfer techniques. Please see a nurse if you have any questions.
This medical emergency is usually accompanied by swelling of the face and/or throat. It is a medical emergency and can lead to death.
What is anaphylaxis? Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction that is severe. Important things to have are airway equipment, benadryl, and IV access.
I am used in patients that are overly medicated/overdose.
What is narcan. Narcan is the antidote for narcotics. It is found in the procedure rooms, and crash cart. It is also given to family members of drug addicts to decrease deaths related to overdose.
This medical device can be used in cpr and can connect to oxygen.
What is an ambu bag? Ambu bags are kept in the procedure rooms and on the crash cart.
This is where a patient should go that needs to be monitored closely.
What is the hospital? Unfortunately, transfers are inevitable and it is important to relay a sense of calmness and support. Read you Emergency Manual for specific details of roles.
Sometimes there's blood left in corners of the drawers, betadine spots in various speckles in the room, sharp containers fill, and procedure rooms left unstocked. This person should be held accountable.
Who is the PS staff for the day? It is the job of PS staff to ensure that all areas of the room are clean, free from debris, blood, or any other particle. It is also an expectation that the tables are cleaned inside and out and the rooms are stocked.
This complication is classified by jerky movements and sometimes the loss of consciousness.
What is a seizure? Seizures are common at Preterm and patients don't always tell us they have a history. It's important to keep the patient safe and maintain a patent airway.
This device is used in the procedure rooms and recovery room to get IV fluids in at a faster rate.
What is a pressure bag? A pressure bag is put on the outside of an IV fluid bag and air is pumped in to apply pressure and get the fluids into the patient at a faster rate. This is especially needed in hemorrhage patients.
This device is used in medical emergencies where breathing is compromised.
What is an oral airway? These are kept on the CS cart, procedure rooms, and crash cart.
This person's job in an emergency is to: Represent Preterm in a favorable light to patients and outside people.
What are Preterm staff?
This space is always full of personal clutter, dishes, and trash (even though it is a public space that patients and visitors walk through). The volume should always be kept minimal and if PS staff were with their patients, this wouldn't be such an issue.
What is the MR area? This is not a "chill" area. We must keep a professional standard. Keep things out of sight or they will be disposed.
This patient has received conscious sedation and the pulse oximeter is steadily declining. The patient is unable to respond to voice, commands, or pain.
What is a medication overdose? Medication overdose can happen after conscious sedation, however, with the rise of opiate abuse and recreational drug use, it can be seen anywhere at Preterm. Calling for help in the priority and getting Narcan on board ASAP.