You should start planning for your future career when...
What is now?
How you relate to and interact with people
WHat are soft skills?
What you are good at.
What are Skills?
This device is a distraction in a job interview and should be turned off.
What is a cell phone?
Coaches, neighbors, teachers, former boss
Anyone over 21 who can provide information about your character and work ethic
Who is a reference?
Web searches
Job Boards
Local Department of Labor
Newspapers and social media
Where can I look for my next job?
What is Teachable Abilities or Skill Sets
What are Hard Skills?
What you are passionate about.
What are Interests?
A professional suit should be what color?
What is Black or dark blue
Document that contacts a record of all 4 years of HS
What is a Transcript?
Three things are important to know before choosing an occupation.
What are skills, interests, and values?
Communication Enthusiasm Attitude Teamwork Networking Problem Solving Critical Thinking Professionalism
What is an example of Soft Skills?
What you believe in or is important to you.
What are Values?
The most important thing to do before an interview is...
What is Practice interviewing?
The package the college offers which might include work-study, grants, and loans
What is a Financial Aid Package?
How many Career Clusters are there?
Typing Speed Computer Programming Certifications Foreign Language proficiency Analytical Skills Writing Proficiency
What are examples of Hard Skills?
I might take one of these to help me determine what careers might be a good match for my skills, values and interests.
What is a Career Inventory?
Name 2 things you should do when you meet the interviewer
What is smile, offer a firm handshake, and make eye contact?
I am who you you might call at the college to help you apply and answer any questions you may have.
Who is an Admissions Counselor?
parents and family members
school counselor
Who can you talk to about career exploration?
Better job options
More money
Opportunity to travel
Opens doors
What are the advantages of obtaining an education to prepare for a career?
Finding the right occupation is important because...
answers will vary
An action that makes an interview candidate “stand out” from other candidates that takes place AFTER the interview.
What is writing a thank-you letter?
It generally takes 6 years of college to obtain me.
What is a Master's Degree?