Coin Toss
Rules Rules Rules
Take your pick
No Clue
They are all the same

Your Scope of Practice means you are allowed to provide any treatment you are: 

Licensed, Authorized and Trained to do


In order to refuse care, a pt must be what first?

Fully informed 


What does HIPAA mean 

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Performing the functions of a paramedic before licensure is:

moral.unlawful.ethical. or permissible




A device that relays radio transmissions from a portable, hand-held radio to a base station when it is to far to reach directly is called



Where can you find information on if your pt is an organ donor?

Cards or medical alert tags 


You have an unconscious pt. How are you able to treat them? What kind of consent? 



What are the three components of Wellness 

Physical, Mental and Emotional 


The kind of stress that motivates an individual to achieve is called: 

eustress.distress.adapted stress. or displaced stress.



List three mandatory reporting calls

Neglect/Abuse, Domestic Violence, INjury from a felony or suspicious origin, Drug-Related injuries, Childbirth, Rape, Animal Bites, certain Communicable diseases 


Of the following, which is the greatest risk of increasing the chance of cardiovascular disease?

Gaining Weight, Exercising Less, Continuing Smoking or Increasing Stress Levels? 

Continuing Smoking 


When asking a pt if it is ok to assess them and provide care, you are asking for what kind of consent?



Explain the concept of reciprocity.

Reciprocity is the act of granting certification to a provider from another state or agency.


Mobile army surgical hospitals (MASH units) saved thousands of soldier's lives during the Korean war by

performing surgery within 30 minutes of the injury.

bringing the hospital facilities closer to the. battlefield.

deploying combat medics to retrieve wounded soldiers.

using helicopters to airlift casualties to the United States.

bringing the hospital facilities closer to the. battlefield.


What is EMTALA

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. EMTALA guarantees a medical screening examination and treatment to stabilize any emergency medical conditions found, to any patient presenting to a hospital that has an emergency department


When intubating, what PPE should you wear?

Gloves, Mask and Eye Protection 


Written in 1965. Also called "Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society" 

What is the "White Paper"


As a licensed paramedic, you may be called on to perform advanced cardiology and pharmacologic skills that are otherwise performed only by physicians or other advanced practitioners. What gives the paramedic this authority to act?

A medical director


When should the paramedic wear a HEPA respirator or N95 mask?

When caring for a patient with TB or another contagious respiratory illness


Which pt presents with the greatest public health threat?

An active case of chicken pox, someone who looks very sick and just returned from West Africa, pt at a nursing home coughing up blood-tinged sputum, or a HIV positive pt who is in a monogamous relationship

Someone who looks very sick and just returned from West Africa


The name of the technique that describes the process used to prep the skin before a venipuncture.



You performed a treatment incorrectly on a pt. What part of a negligence case are you potentially guilty of? 

Failure to meet the standard of care


Define the standard of care

what a reasonable paramedic would do in a similar situation


During a multiple-casualty incident, documentation often occurs initially:

on triage tags


Which of the following incidents resulting in death would most likely fall under criminal law.

Failing to recognize an esophageal intubation. Improperly performing electrical therapy, administering an incorrect med, Hitting a pedestrian with your vehicle

Hitting a pedestrian with your vehicle