Healthcare Operations
Infection Prevention & Control
Safety Culture
Health & Safety

This continuous quality improvement process assesses healthcare organizations against established standards.

What is Accreditation?


This is the preferred method for cleaning hands that are not visibly dirty.

What is alcohol-based hand sanitizer?


Hearing this code signifies a fire emergency within the Health Centre.

What is Code Red?


Volunteers should contact this person(s) in the event of an incident during their shift.

Who is staff lead (or a member of the Volunteer Department)?


Volunteers are required to wear these items to ensure proper identification within the hospital.

What are uniforms & ID cards?


Environmental Services Attendants regularly clean these surfaces using hospital-grade disinfectants.

What are high-touch surfaces? (e.g. doorknobs, elevator buttons, bed rails)


Patients at high risk for this issue can be identified by a pink patient identification band and bedside signage.

What are falls?


This collection of written rules outlines acceptable standards of behaviour at NBRHC.

What is the code of conduct?


When volunteers have questions regarding their responsibilities, they should refer to this document.

What is their volunteer position description?


Volunteers must wash their hands for at least this duration to adhere to hygiene protocols.

What is 15 seconds?


This type of information (oral or written) can identify a patient or connect them to the healthcare services they received.

What is personal health information?


This Health Centre’s Incident Reporting System is used to document any accidents, injuries, near misses, or hazards.

What is iReport?


These foundational statements guide an organization's strategic plan.

What is vision, mission & values? 


The Health Centre performs this type of audit to assess compliance with hand hygiene practices.

What is hand hygiene compliance?


Volunteers receive annual training through this monthly publication, which provides refresher education on emergency codes.

What is the volunteer newsletter?


This framework considers our values, codes of conduct, standards, laws, and other mechanisms to guide discussions and decision-making.

What is the ethical framework?


"Exceptional care, delivered with compassion" reflects this statement for the Health Centre.

What is the vision statement?


NBRHC staff conduct this evaluation to assess the potential risk of exposure to infectious agents.

What is Point-of-Care Risk Assessment?


Any violation of this agreement to protect patient information and maintain privacy may result in discussion, disciplinary action, or dismissal.

What is a confidentiality agreement?


The Health Centre fosters a culture of mutual respect and does not tolerate these behaviours in the workplace.

What are bullying, discrimination, and harassment?