What job is a historian like?
How many people did Jesus appear to after the resurrection?
over 500
This is Africa's single most important geographic feature.
Sahara Desert
How did the ancient peoples who did not follow God view history?
as cyclical
What are the different steps the historian follows?
What did the disciples do following the resurrection?
boldly proclaimed the gospel
Who taught that the ideal government was ruled by a few intelligent men?
Why would ancient people see time as cyclical?
they observed the seasons
Define history
Who alone knows the real motivations that led people to act in history?
Every civilization is made of people created in _________'s image
What are the most important turning points in world history?
the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
What should a Christian use to make moral judgments when studying history?
the Bible
Being a Christian would be ___________ if the resurrection did not happen.
man-made objects
Name two of the secular historical presuppositions for the motivations behind people's actions?
economic interests
ethnic conflict
class struggle
gender conflict
The accurate study of history depends on this
best surviving evidence
Why can Christians study history with hope?
They know how the story ends
Name two things that happen when we forget what God has done?
we forget who we are
we lose our way
for a civilization to grow and thrive, its leaders must have this to provide order for the people who live there