My sister, a health nut, only eats food grown in the ground.
What is in the ground?
The man in the yellow hat ate bananas.
What is hat?
The beach ball rolled into the sea.
What is ball=subject, rolled=verb
into the sea= prep phrase
Find the mistake:
I went white water rafting on the Colorado river.
What is I went white water rafting on the Colorado River?
river needs to be capitalized here because it is part of a title.
List three prepositions that start with A
What is above, at, around, aside from, against
After the storm, we watched a beautiful rainbow form.
What is after the storm?
Until next week's picnic, I am not going to cook at all.
What is picnic?
My dog, Scout, loves my family so much.
What is Scout (or dog)=subject, love=verb
The name of the book is The book of speculations.
What is The name of the book is The Book of Speculations.
capitalize first letters in titles- it should also be italicized or underlined but this Jeopardy template won't let me:)
My bedtime, until last night, was 9:00pm. Now it is 9:30pm.
What is until last night?
What is in your backpack?
Object of preposition = backpack
Sally and Eddie crushed the competition in the roller derby.
What is Sally and Eddie= subject, crushed= verb
in the roller derby= prep phrase
They are so excited to go to there reunion to see old friends.
What is their vs there!
List three prepositions that start with T
What is to, toward, through,
The leprechaun skipped over the rainbow and through the cave to get to the pot of gold
What is over the rainbow, through the cave, to the pot, of gold!!! Four prepositional phrases in one sentence!
The moon created a path along the water.
What is water?
The magic show travels from town to town.
What is magic show=subject
The viper showed it's fangs when the hunter approached.
What is it's vs its. Even though its is a possessive, you cannot use an apostrophe- because then it becomes it is
List on article, one to be verb and one conjunction that ARE NOT prepositions.
What is a, an, the is, are, was, were, but, and, so, yet, or
My dog, Scout, loves my family so much.
What is NO PREPOSITiONAL phrase!
My horoscope said that I would find answers to my questions this month.
What is questions?
Go to your room!
What is intended subject=you
to your room= prep phrase
I want to go to the water park but my kids don't seem interested they simply want to sit around and play video games all afternoon long.
What is a RUN-ON!!!
I want to go to the water park, but my kids don't seem interested; they simply want to sit around and play video games all afternoon long.