Prescription drugs
Who is more likely to become addicted to drugs

What is an opioids used for?  

Prescribed for pain relief 


One reason for misuse of prescription drugs having to do with fun 

Some people think that they will have more fun if they use prescription drugs. 


What drugs lead to the addiction of other drugs 

Gateway drugs 


Where is prescription drug abuse most prevalent 

The US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


CNS depressants are..... 

prescribed for anxiety and sleep problems  


Another reason people misuse prescription drugs having to do with size

Some people believe that if they use prescription drugs, they will loose weight 


What are two reasons people are prone to addiction having to do with past family and genetics 

Your genetic makeup might influence it and if your family has history of drug abuse  


In 2006, take a guess on how many people misused prescription drugs for the first time. 

Hint* the number is between 2 million and 2.7 million 

2.6 million people misused prescription drugs 


Stimulants are....

prescribed for ADHD and sleep disorder narcolepsy, and obesity  


Another reason people misuse prescription drugs having to do with school/work or friends 

Some people believe if they use prescription drugs they will fit in more 


What is another reason somebody might be prone to addiction having to do with mental health 

If you have a mental health condition you are going to be more prone than others 


In 2005 most of the overdose deaths were caused by what kind of prescription drugs  

Hint* It is used for pain killing 

Opioid pain killers 


What else are CNS depressants refereed to as? 

Sedatives and/or tranquilizers 

Another reason people misuse drugs having to do with school/tests/quizzes 

Some people believe that if they use prescription drugs, they will be able to study better  


What is another reason somebody might be more prone to addiction having to do with education (lacking in that area) 

If you don't have enough education about drugs, you are more likely to misuse them 


Depressants, opiods, and anti-depressants are responsible for more deaths than these drugs.

*hint - One starts with an H 

One starts with C 

Heroin and cocaine