Complete: "She ______ (work) as a waitress every day."
Complete: "Yesterday, she ______ (serve) pasta to the guests."
Identify the tense: "I will set the table in a moment."
Translate: "Hier soir."
Last night.
Donner le prétérit et le participe passé de "to go".
went, gone.
Complete: "Right now, they ______ (prepare) the dessert."
are preparing.
Complete: "At 7 pm, they ______ (clean) the tables."
were cleaning.
Translate: "Elle est en train de prendre la commande maintenant."
She is taking the order now.
Translate: "En ce moment."
Right now / At the moment.
Compléter : "Yesterday, she ______ (drink) a cup of coffee."
Form a question: "He is cleaning the dishes."
Is he cleaning the dishes?
Form a question: "He cooked dinner last night."
Did he cook dinner last night?
Complete: "They ______ (finish) their work before the dinner rush yesterday."
Translate: "La semaine prochaine."
Next week.
Donner le prétérit et le participe passé de "to write".
wrote, written.
Correct the mistake: "They is serving coffee now."
They are serving coffee now.
Translate: "Ils préparaient les boissons quand les invités sont arrivés."
They were preparing the drinks when the guests arrived.
Choose the correct tense: "Right now, the chef ______ (cook) a special dish."
is cooking.
Translate: "Depuis 2020."
Since 2020.
Traduire en anglais : "Ils ont pris le bus ce matin."
They took the bus this morning.
"Nous mangeons toujours à 12h, mais aujourd'hui nous mangeons à 13h."
We always eat at 12, but today we are eating at 1 pm.
Correct the mistake: "I was talked to the manager when it happened."
I was talking to the manager when it happened.
Translate: "Nous allons nettoyer la cuisine après le service."
We are going to clean the kitchen after the service.
Translate: "Il y a trois jours."
Three days ago.
Compléter : "After I arrived, they ______ (eat) the main course."