Simple Past
Present perfect
Present Perfect or Simple Past (1)
Present Perfect or Simple Past (2)
Present Perfect and Simple Past
Yesterday, we (go)_______ to the store.
Yesterday, we WENT to the store.
I have______ (be) to Japan.
I HAVE been to Japan.

Have you been to Italy?

Yes, I have. I _____ there when I was 15 years old.

 I WENT there when I was 15 years old.


I _____ (eat) breakfast at 6:30am.

I ATE breakfast at 6:30am.


I __________ (love) reading books since I _______(be) a young child.

I HAVE LOVED reading books since I WAS a young child.

My family and I (take) ______ a vacation to the Yucatan last summer.
My family and I TOOK a vacation to the Yucatan last summer.

She _________ (eat) breakfast.

She HAS EATEN breakfast.


have you ever had an Iphone?

I _______ one 2 years ago. Now I have a Samsung phone.

I HAD one 2 years ago.


My family __________ (be) to Disney World three times.

My family HAS BEEN to Disney World three times.


We ___________(be) at work since it _______(start) raining.

We HAVE BEEN at work since it STARTED raining.

When __________(you, move) to Tucson?
When DID YOU MOVE to Tucson?

My grandson _________ (go) to summer camp.

My grandson HAS GONE to summer camp.


I _______ (work) here since 2018.

I HAVE WORKED here since 2018.


How ___________ (you/be) lately?

How HAVE YOU BEEN lately?


Ever since I _________(go) to that restaurant, I __________(had) an upset stomach.

Ever since I WENT to that restaurant, I HAVE HAD and upset stomach.

Last week, I (go)__________ to the mall and (buy)________ two shirts. One (not, fit) __________. So, I (return) ________it yesterday.
Last week, I WENT to the mall and BOUGHT two shirts. One DIDN'T FIT. So, I RETURNED it yesterday.

You _________ (not/try) my chocolate cake.

You HAVEN'T TRIED my chocolate cake.


My students ________ (take) English classes since they were children.

My students HAVE TAKEN English classes since they were children.


I _________(write) poems when I was a child.

I WROTE poems when I was a child.


_____ you ever _____ (buy) something and then never used it?

Yes, I ____. Last week, I _____ (buy) a dress on internet, but when I ____ (get) it, it wasn't anything like the picture.

HAVE you ever BOUGHT something and then never used it?

Yes, I HAVE. Last week, I BOUGHT a dress on internet, but when I GOT it, it wasn't anything like the picture.


The last time I _________ my mother, she ______ "Why ____________________ me yesterday?" I ______, "Because I _______ to surprise you!" say/ visit/ not call/ want/ say/

The last time I VISITED my mother, she SAID, "Why DIDN'T YOU CALL me yesterday?" I SAID, "Because I WANTED to surprise you!"


We __________ (write) several books.

We HAVE WRITTEN several books.


Where _________ (you/be) for the last three months?

I _____ to Mexico to take a Spanish Course.

Where HAVE YOU BEEN for the last three months?

I WENT to Mexico to take a Spanish Course.


Several days ago, I _______(go) to the store and ________(buy) some vegetables.

Several days ago, I WENT to the store and BOUGHT some vegetables.


The children ____________(not/play) outside since it __________ (begin) snowing.

The children HAVEN'T PLAYED outside since it BEGAN snowing.