Paulo esteve jogando futebol com o Pedro
Paulo has been playing soccer with Pedro
Clara has been doing the dishes
Eu tenho traduzido jogos
I have been translating games
Ela tem ensinado espanhol
She has been teaching spanish
Maurício não tem jogado League of Legends
Maurício hasn't been playing League of Legends
Fernando não tem lavado as roupas
Fernando hasn't been doing the laundry
Ela não tem dado aulas
She hasn't been teaching
Ele não tem passado nas materias
He hasn't been getting good grades
Fernanda tem andado de patins?
Has Fernanda been rollerblading?
Seu pai tem colocado o lixo pra fora?
Has your father been putting the trash out?
A Paula tem trabalhado?
Has Paula been working?
Você tem estudado para a prova?
Have you been studying for the exam?
Lucas tem falado mal da quarentena
Lucas has been hating on the quarantine
Ele tem dado banho nos cachorros?
Has he been bathing the dogs?
Vocês tem contratado?
Have you been hiring?
Elas tem ficado de papo fiado?
Have they been chit chatting?