Он работает
He works
Она не гуляет в парке
She does not walk in the park
Они любят бегать?
Do they like to run?
Мне не нравятся вечеринки — like, parties, I, don’t.
I don't like parties
Tom works. (Where?) …
Where does Tom work?
Мы посещаем разные места каждый день
We visit different places every day
У нее нет компьютера
She does not have a computer
Вы часто плаваете?
Do you often swim?
Лиза всегда носит красное платье на вечеринках — always, wears, to parties, Lisa, a red dress.
Lisa always wears a red dress to parties
Mark and his sister go to the cinema. (How often?)…
How often do Mark and his sister go to the cinema?
Они отмечают (celebrate) его день рождения каждый год
They celebrate his birthday every year
Он не бегает по утрам
He does not run in the morning
Она занимается спортом?
Does she do sport?
Мой старший брат никогда не ходит в театр — never, brother, to the theatre, my, older, goes.
My older brother never goes to the theatre.
People do stupid things. (Why?) …
Why do people do stupid things?
Я звоню своей маме каждый вечер. Мы любим поговорить обо всём.
I call my mom every night. We like to talk about everything.
Он обычно не готовит. Он заказывает еду в кафе и ресторанах.
He doesn't usually cook. He orders food in cafes and restaurants.
Ты сидишь дома каждый день?
Do you stay at home every day?
Мой учитель всегда дает мне сложные тексты — my, difficult, us, gives, always, texts, teacher.
My teacher always gives me difficult texts.
Your car breaks down. (How often?) …
How often does your car break down?
Кейт хорошо поет и танцует. Она очень талантливая.
Kate sings and dances well. She is very talented
Я не ем много (a lot) на ужин. Обычно я съедаю легкий (light) салат из овощей.
I don't eat for dinner a lot. I usually have a light vegetable salad.
В комнате кто-нибудь есть? Нет. Я не вижу никого.
Is there anyone in the room? No, there isn’t. I don't see anyone
Наши соседи часто слушают рок-музыку по вечерам — music, our, rock, often, listen to, in the evenings, neighbours.
Our neighbours often listen to rock music in the evenings.
They have dinner in the evening. (What time/usually?) …
What time do they usually have dinner?