Present Simple (+)
Present simple (-)
Present simple (?)
Adverbs of frequency and Time expressions
Prepositions of time

Complete the sentence

Mum and I really ..... (enjoy) going to the cinema. I ..... (like) action films, but she ...... (adore) romantic movies.

enjoy / like / adores


Unscramble the sentence

like classmates. Jess 3B. the doesn’t prefers class people her in new She

Jess doesn’t like her new classmates. She prefers the people in class 3B.



Mike gioca a calcio tutti i giorni? Sì.

Does Mike play football/soccer every day? Yes, he does.


Complete the sentence

I ...... (always/go) to the park to play with my friends. They ...... (not/often/want) to play my favourite game.

always go / don’t always want


Unscramble the sentence

7:00 school Tuesdays I up take only am, I Thursdays. always at the get and on but bus

I always get up at 7:00 am, but I take the school bus only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Complete the sentence

She always ....... (drink) a cup of coffee and ..... (watch) Tv in the morning before going to work. I often ..... (have) biscuits for breakfast, but today I ..... (want) a piece of cake.

drinks / watches / have / want


Complete the sentence

My parents ....... (not drink) cola because they ..... (not like) it very much. My brother is mad about it, but he ...... (not drink) Fanta.

don’t drink / don’t like / doesn’t drink


Find the mistakes

Why does you always does that? Does she bothers you so much? 

1) do

2) do

3) bother


Unscramble the sentence

videogames, She brothers day. ever her play hardly them plays every but

She hardly ever plays videogames, but her brothers play them every day.


Complete the sentence

She usually wakes up ..... 6 am, exercises ..... the morning, and starts work ...... weekdays, but ...... the weekend, she enjoys relaxing ...... the afternoon and goes out ...... the evening.

at / in / on / at / in / in


Find the mistakes

My friend Sarah usually go to the park and plaies for 2 hours. I can’t do that, so I usually goes there, listens to her and relaxs.

1) goes

2) plays

3) go

4) listen

5) relaxes


Find the mistakes

Our friend Mike don’t often does his homework because he aren’t very hardworking. Charles and I don’t helps him.

1) doesn’t

2) wash

3) isn't

4) help


Find the mistakes

- How often does your brothers come home? 

- Two times a month. 

- Does they bring presents?

- Yes, they don’t.

1) do

2) twice

3) Do

4) do


Find the mistakes

- Do usually they have dinner at 7:00 pm? 

- Yes, they do. They never are late for dinner and have often meat and vegetables.

- What do they have for dessert?

- They don’t eat always dessert, but sometimes they have a piece of cake.

1) they usually

2) are never

3) often have

4) always eat


Complete the sentence

..... winter they usually go to the mountains and ...... Christmas Day they have dinner together. However, ..... last Christmas they stayed at home.

In / on / ⁄



Ho due animali domestici, un pappagallo e una tartaruga. Mi piacciono molto i cani, ma mia madre preferisce altri animali.

I have got (‘ve got / have) two pets, a parrot and a turtle. I really like dogs, but my mother (mum) prefers other animals.


Complete the sentence

Mrs Brown ....... (not teach) science, she teaches Maths. She ...... (not be) very nice because she ..... (not do) fun lessons and ...... (not listen) to us. We ..... (not like) her at all and ..... (not want) her to be our teacher anymore.

doesn’t teach / isn’t / doesn’t do / doesn’t listen / don’t like / don’t want 


Complete the sentence

How ......... you ..... (go) for a walk? ..... your friend Sue ..... (come) with you? ..... you also ..... (take) your dog?

often do .... go / Does .... come / Do ..... take


Complete the sentence

- ........ (usually/you/do) your homework? 

- Yes, I do it ...... (una volta al giorno tutti i giorni)

- That’s great! my sister ...... (never/do) it and I do it only ...... (tre volte a settimana).

1) Do you usually do

2) once a day every day

3) never does

4) three times a week


Find the mistake

I was born in 15th November 2002 and this year my birthday is at Friday. In next year, It will be at Saturday and it will be very fun because on the afternoon I can celebrate with my family and in night with my friends.

1) on

2) on

3) ⁄

4) on

5) in

6) at


Unscramble the sentence

bus my every from because I house. is my morning, the school near take school far

I take the bus to school every morning, because my school is far from my house.



Io e Jenny non andiamo spesso al ristorante perché io non amo mangiare la carne e lei non mangia il pesce. Ordiniamo del cibo e lo mangiamo a casa.

Jenny and I don’t often go to the restaurant because I don’t love eating meat and she doesn’t eat fish. We order food and we eat it at home.


Unscramble the sentence

at they it eat restaurant. Do don’t. eat They when No, pasta the home? go they only to they

Do they eat pasta at home? No, they don’t. They only eat it when they go to the restaurant.



Andiamo al mare ogni estate e alloggiamo sempre nello stesso hotel, però qualche volta andiamo anche in montagna in un piccolo chalet.

We go to the beach every summer and we always stay in the same hotel, but sometimes we also go to the mountains in a small chalet.



A Pasqua vado sempre dai miei parenti, mangiamo alle 13:00 e la sera guardiamo un film. Quest’anno è il 21 aprile e i miei cugini vengono di pomeriggio. Quel fine settimana mi riposerò finalmente!

At Easter I always go to my relatives, we eat at 1 pm and watch a movie in the evening. This year it is on 21st April and my cousins are coming in the afternoon. That weekend I will finally relax!