Latin for "I rejoice"
What is gaudeo?
Video et taceo.
What is "I see and am silent"?
What is "I am silent"?
the ending of the second principal part of verbs in the second conjugation
What is "ere"?
Latin for "I see" and "I hold"
What is "video, teneo"?
Cave canem.
What is "Beware of the dog"?
What is "he/she owes or ought"?
the way to find the present stem of a second conjugation verb
What is "drop the letters 're' from the second principal part"?
Latin for "I teach, I have, I move"
What is "doceo, habeo, moveo"?
Errare est humanum.
What is "To err is human"?
What is "he/she was warning"?
the form of a verb that is often used with debeo or timeo in a sentence
What is "the infinitive form"?
Latin for "I appear, I guard against, I remain or stay, I frighten"
What is "appareo, caveo, maneo, terreo"?
quattuor anni tempora
What is "the four seasons of the year"?
ambulare debeo
What is "I ought to walk"?
the regular future tense endings for verbs in the second conjugation
What is "-bo, -bis, -bit, -bimus, -bitis, -bunt"?
Latin for "to burn, to order or command, to prevent, to sit, to be silent"
What is "ardere, jubere, prohibere, sedere, tacere"?
Mater Italiae Roma
What is "The mother of Italy, Rome"?
timemus natare
What is "we fear to swim"?
the regular imperfect tense endings for verbs in the second conjugation
What is "-bam, -bas, -bat, -bamus, -batis, -bant"?