Present Simple
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Adverbs of time

Make up statement, question and negative sentence with the verb to work and the pronoun she

She works. Does she work? She doesn't work.


Make up a statement, a question and a negative sentence with the verb to write and the pronoun he

He is writing. Is he writing? He is not writing.


Make up a statement, a question and a negative sentence with the verb to learn and the pronoun I

i have learnt. Have i learnt? I have not learnt.


Now, right now, at the moment, at present, at present time, this year, these days, nowadays, today, tonight. What time do we use with these adverbs of time?

Present Continuous.

Look at Ben. He_____ (jog)

He is jogging.


Finish the sentences:

In the morning he usually....

I often ....

My mom always ....

In the morning he usually drinks coffee

I often visit my granny

My mom always gets up early in the mornig.


to be busy doing smth

to be going to do smth

Make sentences.

Look at those black clouds; it is going to rain soon.
My father is busy cutting the grass in the garden.


Choose the correct answer:

1.Jim……the paper.

 a) has burnt     

b) have burnt

2.My little sister……her


a) has forgotten         

b) have forgotten

3.The children……at home.

a) has swum      

b) have swum

has burnt  

has forgotten 

have swum


What adverbs of time do we use with present simple?

Usually, regularly, every day, every week, every year, often, sometimes, rarely, never, always, on Fridays, twice, three times a week, every week.


The kettle ______ (to boil) now. Shall I make a coffee?

The kettle is boiling now. Shall I make a coffee?


When we use Present Simple?

используется в случае ,если действие является обычным , привычным, постоянным, регулярным, если действия представляют собой цепочку , быстро происходящих в момент речи. А также употр., если хотим сказать о постоянных явлениях, законах природы, фактах, науч. выводах,  инструкциях, указаниях, если хотим рассказать историю, анекдот, стараясь представить события реалистичными. Употребляется в восклицаниях, пословицах, рекламе, газетных заголовках.  Со статичными глаголами. Действие вообще!


When we use Present Continuous?

используется для выражения неограниченного  действия, происходящего в момент  речи, а также для выражения просто длительного действия, происходящего в настоящий период. А также, если хотим эмоц. выразить свое отношение в характеристики лица, предмета. ( always!)


Время, которое используется для выражения неограниченного длительного действия в процессе, происходящего в момент речи, произошедшего в прошлом или которое произойдет в будущем, сопровождающееся обозначением времени или другим одновременный действием. Is that true about present perfect? Give your opinion.

Время, которое показывает, что действие, поступок было совершено или будет совершено к определенному моменту в будущем и у него обязательно должен быть результат.


last/next week/ month/ year

next week/ month/ year

a week/month/year ago

this week/ month/year. Can we use these adverbs of time with Present Perfect? Name the right tense. 

No, we can't. We use them with Past Simple.


He usually _____ (to speak) so quickly that I ( not understand) him.

He usually speaks so quickly that I don't understand him.


Describe your typical day. (3-4 sentences)

I get up at 7 a.m.. I brush my teeeth and wash my face. For breakfast i like to eat boiled eggs with sausages. I slip my dress on and go to school.


Say about your future plans, using present continuous. (2-3 sentences)

I AM buying a new radio soon.

I AM playing football tomorrow

I AM going to the cinema this weekend


They have just....

I have not .... yet 

Pete has already ....

Continue statements.

They have just arrived.

I have not told him yet.

Pete has already arrived


ever never just already not…yet before lately so far recently by now. Make a sentence with one of these adverbs of time and name the Tense that we use with them.

I have never seen him. Present Perfect.


What's the matter? Why he ____ (to stop)?

What's the matter? Why has he stopped?


Translate into English:

Почему ты всегда опаздываешь? 

Она не говорит по- английски.

Птицы летают.

Why are you always late?

She doesn't speak English.

Birds fly


Translate into English:

– Что он сейчас делает?
– Он разговаривает с другом. 

 Твой английский становится лучше. 

 На следующей неделе мы покупаем новую машину.

– What is he doing now? – He is talking to his friend. 

Your English is getting better. 

Next week we are buying a new car.


Я учил испанский с детства. 

На этой неделе я закончил читать «Дракулу».

Я не играл в эту игру пока. 

I’ve studied Spanish since childhood.

I have finished reading “Dracula” this week.

I have not played this game yet.


Find mistakes.

I’ve been here for an hour today.

I’m writing this article for hour .

I  use  the internet right now.

I’ve already been here for an hour.

I’m writing this article now.

I  use  the internet every day.


What time the train  ______ (to leave)?My train _____ (to leave) at 12 p.m.

What time does the train leave? My train leaves at 12 p.m.