John Wycliffe
John Wycliffe
William Tyndale
William Tyndale

John Wycliffe was born in __________ about the year 1330.

John Wycliffe was born in ENGLAND about the year 1330.


T or F

During John Wycliffe's time, the printing press had been invented. The wealthy people bought complete copies of the Bible, and the poor people smaller copies.


During John Wycliffe's time, the printing press had NOT been invented YET.
Copies of the Bible had to be made by hand. 
The wealthy people bought complete copies of the Bible, and the poor people smaller copies.


Jerome lived from ______ to 420.

Jerome lived from 331 to 420.

Who invented the printing press? 

Johann Gutenberg


In the spring of 1526, the first copies of his New Testament translations were smuggled into England. Agents bought copies to destroy it. With the money they used to buy it, Tyndale was able to print _______ new ones.

4 new copies.


What disease was killing as many as two-thirds of the people in Europe while John Wycliffe was growing up?

Black Plague


John Wycliffe was called before his enemies in the highest church court in England. How did God protect him? 

He said to his accusers: "With whom, think you, are ye contending? With an old man on the brink of the grave? No! with Truth! - Truth which is stronger than you, and will overcome you."

Then he walked from the court a free man; nome of his enemies even tried to stop him.


Who did ask Jerome to translate the Bible into Latin? 

Damasus, the bishop of Rome. Jemore was his secretary. 


William Tyndale was an ____________ scholar, and he loved the Bible in __________ and Latin.

William Tyndale was an OXFORD-EDUCATED scholar, and he loved the Bible in GREEK and Latin.


William Tyndale was able to speak ________ languages fluently.

William Tyndale was able to speak 7 languages fluently.


At that time, the few Bibles that existed were in ____________ , a language that only very well-educated people could read.

At that time, the few Bibles that existed were in LATIN, a language that only very well-educated people could read.


What is John Wycliffe called? 

The Morning Star of the Reformation. 


Jemore's translation became the official translation of the Catholic Church: Vulgate. What does "vulgate" men? 

It is related to our word "vulgar", which means "rude or disgusting". But at that time, it simply meant "common or ordinary". 


William Tyndale decided that the Bible should be translated into their language, but it was illegal to translate Scripture from Latin. He tried to get official permission for his translation work, but since that was not possible in England, he had to move. Where did he decide to go? 



William Tyndale started to translate the Old Testament. After he finished the first 5 books, what happened to his manuscripts?  

While he was sailing from Antwerp to Hamburg, the ship he was on sank. 


John Wycliffe become a professor at the ___________ University in England.

John Wycliffe become a professor at the OXFORD University in England.


How di John Wycliffe die?

He suffered a stroke and died in peace on New Year's Eve, 1383. 


In 1516, a scholar named ________ published a book with the _________________.

In 1516, a scholar named ERASMUS published a book with the ORIGINAL GREEK NEW TESTAMENT.


What part of the bible did Tyndale translate first?

He began translating Erasmus' Greek New Testament into English. 


Tyndale was the "most wanted" in Europe. How was he found by his enemies? 

He was betrayed by Henry Philips. 

Tyndale was nearly a year and a half in a dungeon and martyred in the fall of 1536. His last words: "Lord, open the king of England's eyes."


What was John Wycliffe's greatest and most important lasting accomplishment? 

He translated the first English Bible.


What were called the hundreds of simple preachers that we inspired by John Wycliffe's teachings? 



What was Jemore's last name?

We don't know. 


Where was located the first printer that started to print Tyndale's translation? 

Cologne, France. 


After Tyndale's death, who continue to translate the Bible into English? 

Miles Coverdale