Young Life/Family
Medical Career
Famous Quotes from General Conference

How many children does President Nelson have?

10 children
9 daughters and 1 son


Dr. Nelson was what type of doctor? 

Heart Surgeon


What language did Pres. Nelson learn to speak after an invitation from President Kimball to prepare to be able to teach these people?

Mandrain Chinese


On April 7, 1984 Elder Nelson was called to the Quorum of the 12 Apostles.  That same day that Elder _____________ was also called to the Quorum. 

Hint: Ironically Elder Nelson's  first talk was about Law and the other talk given by the new Apostle was about the heart (They spoke about each others professions)

Elder Oaks


Think _____________



How old was President Nelson when he got married to Dantzel, his first wife? 



What animal did Dr. Nelson first perform open heart surgery on to find out if a heart could be touched by human hands and it still survive? 

A Dog

What sport did President Nelson retire from when he was called to be the President of the church?  He did this activity until he was 94 years old



What year was President Nelson sustained as the President of the church? 

January 2018


Let God _____________



Pres. Nelson loved to read, and one day went to Deseret Book and found a book on the Word of Wisdom.  After studying he went home that night and did what? 

Poured all the alcohol his parents had down the drain and broke every bottle. 


The Nelson's struggled financially for many years while they went through medical school and training. They hit a low point and were short money to pay for their needs, so they gave a pint of  _________ to earn $25. 

Donated one pint of blood 


In 1964 President Nelson was called to be the Stake President of the Bonneville Utah Stake.  In his setting apart he was blessed by President Kimball that the mortality rate for the aortic valve surgery would decrease because of his service.  The mortality rate was 25% or 1 in every 4 people died. 

The first year President Nelson served as stake President the mortality rate dropped to _________

A. 10%

B. 5%

C. 2%

C - 2%


How many new temples has President Nelson announced since he become the President of the Church? 



Seek and __________   _____________



It was love at first sight when President Nelson saw Dantzel White. How did they meet? 

On stage, they were both actors in the play Hayloft, Strawfoot. President Nelson played the role of Cadet Marshall, and Dantzel played the role of Betsy Havens. 


Dr. Nelson performed a 2-in-1 surgery, which had never been done before.  It was a surgery to replace a defective aortic valve and the other to graft that obstructed coronary artery to make a bypass graft.  He performed this on a 77 year old apostle, who later became the President of the church.  Who was that apostle? 

Spencer W. Kimball


President Nelson served as a Captain in which war?

The Korean War


How long did Elder Nelson serve in the Quorum of the 12 apostle before being called as the President of the Church? 

34 Years


The joy we feel has little to do with the ____________ of our lives and everything to do with the ____________ of our lives. 

The joy we feel has little to do with the CIRCUMSTANCES of our lives and everything to do with the FOCUS of our lives. 


When Pres. Nelson was thick into his medical training, he called home one night to check on Dantzel. She was often alone and she said, "I've got to get something live around the house."  What did Pres. Nelson buy his wife t0 help her not be alone? 

A goldfish 


Dr. Nelson had been serving as an apostle for 1 year when he had a close friend from another country call him and desperately need him to perform surgery on a famous friend of his.  What country was this man from and why was he famous? 

Mr.Fang Rongxiang was from China and was a famous opera singer, actor and acrobat. 


President Nelson was ________ years old when he graduated with both his Bachelors degrees and his MD at the same time from ________________. 

22 years old & University of Utah


In 2019 President Nelson asked all of the Apostles to join him in a special event.  This event took place outside the United States, and this is the only time all of the apostles have been together on the same assignment outside the US. What was the event? 

Dedicating the Rome, Italy Temple


You are never too young to _____________, never too old to ______________

You are never too young to LEARN, never too old to CHANGE