What is precedent ?
A decision that sets tradition
What does impressment mean?
Forcing solders to join another army
What did the Lewis and Clark Expedition do?
Increase US claim to the Pacific Ocean
What does Domestic Policy mean?
laws in your home country
What does Foreign policy mean?
Laws dealing with other countries
What economic issue did George Washington face during his presidency?
Debt from the American Rev
What is a tariff
A tax on imported goods
In 1803 this territory doubled the size of the country?
Louisiana Purchase
Why did Dolly Madison save George Washington's picture?
The British were burring the important buildings in Washington DC
What is Nullification?
states believe a federal law is unconstitutional
What was the effect of the Whiskey Tax?
The Whiskey Rebellion
The Election of 1800 resulted in the creation of which amendment?
12th Amendment
A law that stopped trade with both France and Britain?
Non-intercourse act
What happened economically during the War of 1812?
The US stop using British goods
What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?
To deal with the issue of slavery
Why was Washington chosen as president?
He was leader during the American Rev
How did Democratic Republicans response to the Alien and Sedition
Thought it was an abuse of power and unconstitutional
What is Judicial Review?
The courts ability to determine a law constituional or not
What happened economically after the War of 1812
American manufacturing increased
Andrew Jackson was a hero at which battle during the War of 1812?
Battle of New Orleans
In what speech did George Washington warn the country against Foreign Alliances and against political parties?
Farwell Address
The Alien and Sedition Act violated which amendment?
1st Amendment
Marbury vs. Madison led to creation of-
Judicial Review
A law that says Europeans could not interfere the affairs of the Western Hemisphere?
Monroe Doctrine
Andrew Jackson supported which group of people?
The Common Man