Court Cases
LBJ became President after the assassination of which President?
Who is JFK.
What did the SALT agreement between the US and USSR do?
What is it limited the number of nuclear weapons both nations could build.
What crisis rocked Carter's Presidency in 1979?
The Iran Hostage Crisis.
This case ruled that all public schools must be racially integrated.
What is Brown v. Board of Education.
What was the Domino Theory?
What is the US belief that if we let one nation fall to communism more countries would fall?
What was the Tonkin Gulf Resolution?
What is a resolution passed by Congress that gave President Johnson unprecedented military powers to conduct a war without Congress actually declaring war.
What did Nixon do to open up negotiations with China?
What is he visited China and formally recognized their communist government.
What is one possible reason Jimmy Carter was not re-elected to a 2nd term?
What is the failure to get back the hostages, gas shortage, bad economy, and strong opposition from Ronald Reagan.
The Sweatt v, Painter case successfully challenged the Plessy v. Ferguson case. What was the ruling in the Plessy v. Ferguson case?
What is it ruled "separate but equal" was legal.
What is the Tonkin Gulf resolution?
The resolution that was passed by the U.S. congress gave President Johnson the power to use all military means to protect South Vietnam from communism.
LBJ signed the famous Civil Rights act of 1964, what did this legislation do?
What is it made an effort to correct racial and gender discrimination, ending racial segregation/Jim Crow laws in public places.
What was Nixon's Detente policy?
What is it attempted to ease tensions between the US, China, and the USSR.
Why were Egypt and Israel significant during Jimmy Carter's Presidency?
What is they were constantly at war and Carter help them negotiate a peace treaty.
How were the Supreme Court cases Delgado v. Bastrop and Mendez v. Westminster similar?
What is they both dealt with desegregating Mexican American public schools.
What are 3 reasons people would oppose the Vietnam War?
What is the draft, not our war to fight (Vietnamization), media coverage, deaths of innocent civilians, credibility gap, or economic costs?
What was the War Powers Act?
What is it took away the military powers given to the President during the Vietnam War in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
What was one major outcome of the Watergate Scandal?
What is it created public distrust in the President and the US government. It also showed that US laws are superior to the actions of the President.
What were the Camp David Accords?
What was the peace negotiation President Carter held at Camp David. It was a successful peace agreement between Egypt and Israel.
The Edgewood ISD v. Kirby corrected what major problem in Texas schools?
What is unequal school funding.
What was the Tet Offensive?
What is the surprise attack by the Vietcong on the Vietnamese new year?
How are the LBJ's Great Society program similar to FDR's New Deal?
What is both increase government control in social issues and used federal government funds to create various social programs that still exist today. (Social Security, Medicare, Head Start, Food Stamps, etc.)
What was Nixon's role in the Vietnam War?
What is he expanded bombing raids into Laos and Cambodia. He also used a policy of Vietnamization to replace US troops with Vietnamese troops.
What did Jimmy Carter do before he became President?
He was a peanut farmer!! Duh!
What was Tinker v. Des Moines Supreme Court case?
What is the Supreme Court case dealt with students right to free speech/expression?
What law did the 26th Amendment change?
What is it lowered the voting age to 18?