Who was the Ecuadorian military and politician, highest representative of Radical Liberalism, president of the republic in the periods 1895-1901 and 1906-1911 known as "El Viejo Luchador"?
Eloy Alfaro
Who was the president that created Yachay University, Ikiam University and The University of the Arts?
Rafael Correa
What was the most relevant and well-known work of Eloy Alfaro?
The railroad
During the government of Jamil Mahuad, the adoption of the US dollar "Dollarization" was assumed to replace the national currency called?
When the Republic of Ecuador was created, he was the first president, however he was not Ecuadorian. What was his name?
Juan José Flores
Who was president when the indigenous protests occurred in October 2019?
Lenín Moreno
Who was the president that promoted vaccination against COVID-19?
Guillermo Lasso
What was the natural phenomenon that occurred on April 16, 2016 in Manabí during the government of Rafael Correa?
The Pedernales Earthquake
Who was the second constitutional president of Ecuador, and the first president of Ecuadorian nationality, known for being one of the proponents of the Independence of Latin America?
Vicente Rocafuerte
Who was president of Ecuador between 1988-1992, known for being the ideological founder and leading figure of the Social Democratic Party "Izquierda Democrática"?
Rodrigo Borja
Who issued the so-called "Carta Negra", founded "La Escuela Politécnica Nacional" y "La Academia de Bellas Artes"?
Gabriel García Moreno
What is the event that encompassed the Economic Crisis in Ecuador from 1998 – 1999 known?
"Feriado Bancario"
Who was the president that taught Obstetrics at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, during his presidency, the "Revolución Juliana" occurred and the maternity hospital in Quito bears his name?
Isidro Ayora
What is the name of the politician and ex-military man who founded the Party Sociedad Patriótica with which he launched his presidential candidacy in the elections of 2002?
Lucio Gutiérrez
Who was the president who reduced the working day to 40 hours a week and whose representative phrase was “This Amazonian Ecuador, forever and always. Long live the country!"?
Jaime Roldós Aguilera
What was the name of the war between Ecuador and Peru, which occurred during the government of Sixto Durán Ballén?
Guerra del Cenepa
Who was the president that repealed "El Concordato" between Ecuador and The Vatican. Furthermore, Juan Montalvo published "Las Catilinarias" to denounce the slips of his period?
Ignacio de Veintimilla
Who was the president who had to face the worst economic crisis in the country in 2000?
Gustavo Noboa
Who created the "Casa de la Cultura", managed to Ecuador joins the UN and carried out the road plan, becoming president five times?
José María Velasco Ibarra
What was the name of the event in which the president León Febrés Cordero was kidnapped?
El "Taurazo"