What is the definition of domestic violence?
A coercive pattern or control over another person.
What is power?
The ability to do something or act in a particular way.
What are 3 expectations for a man?
To be a provider, not show weakness and manage emotions internally.
What is mindfulness?
Being presently connected, aware, and lucid to what is happening in the present moment.
How many absences can you have before being discharged?
What are the 6 different types of abuse?
2. Emotional, verbal.
3. Sexual.
4. Mental/psychological.
5. Financial/economic.
6. Spiritual/cultural.
What is control?
The power to influence or direct people's behavior or course of events.
What are 3 expectations for a woman?
Name an emotion and how it could physically make you feel?
Your PO comes into your place of residence at 1am and you're on the couch eating cereal, what you do?
Put on pants. Act like you're asleep.
Jk, Answer the door. Use your emotion wheel.
Does drinking or drug abuse cause domestic violence?
No one does not cause the other.
What is isolation? (in relation to power and control)
To keep an individual from family, friends and any social support supports.
What is hypertextualization?
Exaggerating women and men's bodies in film, TV. music. Reinforces male dominance and female submissiveness.
What is the purpose of using an emotion wheel?
To label emotions and match them with physical feelings. Connect the mind and body.
How many payments can you fall behind before a 21-day financial hold?
2. ($50)
What is a momentary loss of temper, resulting in domestic abuse?
Ongoing behavior that enforces control through fear.
What is emotional abuse?
Putting them down, making feel less than or bad about themselves. Name calling. Making them think they're crazy. Playing mind games. Using guilt or humiliation to control.
What are acceptable ways for men and women to express their identity that differ from traditional stereotypes?
Men being nurturing and caretakers, passive. Women being breadwinners or direct. Having a take charge attitude or position.
Why do we start sessions with observing the breath?
Breath release ner-epinephrine. Which helps with attention and memory. Feelings "grounded" helps promote a safe group environment.
What does adequate class participation look like?
Being present, listening and sharing when it's relevant to you. Remain alert and actively engaged.
If violent episodes do not happen that often, the situation is not considered domestic abuse?
It doesn't have to happen frequently for the treat to be considered domestic abuse.
What is degradation?
Public humiliation. Forcing someone to act in degrading. Non-consensual sexual acts. Putting someone down. Name calling.
What are 5 qualities that a man (or woman) can have that are unconventional? (based on stereotypes)
A homemaker, nurturer, caring, good listeners, empathetic, active parents. Calm, emotionally intelligent.
Be in physically strenuous occupations (sports, resulting, body builders, construction workers). The disciplinarian in the home. Making all financial decisions. Leg press master.
What are the 3 brains?
Brain, Heart, Gut.
What's the healthiest way to approach a facilitator about a conflict you have with them?
Be vulnerable, open and receptive.