Floss It Out
Rule Follower
Curious Yet?
Private Invite to Risk it ALL!

In glossing how many steps have to be in order? 

Prize: 1 free pass for restroom at any time during class.


you must sign 3 signs you learned this week!

Prize: 1 free pass eat during class.


Make a sentence using French, famous, depends, and dog. 

If signed correctly and sentence makes sense YOU WIN!

Prize: Prize: 1 free pass for restroom at any time during class.


Better Luck Next Time!


Pick a student in the room. They will need a dry erase board and marker. 

You must fingerspell 7 vocab words provided by Mrs. Gondocs to your choosen student. If they write all 7 correctly in 30 seconds. If completed correctly both players win!

Prize: sweet treat of your choice AND 5 free points on the next QUIZ!


You must point to each person in the room who has an A in their name. If you miss one or don't know we will draw someone to go next. 

All must be done in sign. 

Prize: 1 class period of cell phone use!


Sign: French, French Fries, cheeseburger, and chocolate milkshake.



Prize: 5 free points on an assignment.


Better Luck Next Time!



Try again! 

you must roll a 3 to win your prize!


Choose 8 students! Each student must have a dice. When its time to go, the first 5 players that roll a 1 will move onto round 2!

Round 2: the first 3 players that roll a 3 will move onto round 3!

Round 3: the player who rolls a 5 first moves to the next round!

Round 4: as fast as you can list as many signs that you have learned without repeat. If you repeat a word you lose! You must have at least 30 words in 2 minutes.

Prize: 1 free class period to use your electronic device (laptop/phone) AND steal someone elses prize! YOU CHOOSE!


What is the ASL order? In order. 

Prize: 1 pass - 15 minute of free time  


Better Luck Next Time!


Best facial expression! Must be dramtic! 

Prize: 1 pass - 15 minute of free time  


Sign: Alaska, Texas, California, New York (NO FINGERSPELLING)

What is an example of an idiom?

Read the sentence below and determine if it is glossed correctly. 

Samantha go shopping Target yesterday you

Prize: 2 free answers on the Unit TEST!


Choose anyone in the room to challenge with equal skill set. You each will have 1 minute to sign as many signs as possible. Whoever has the most signs, WINS!

Prize: sweet treat of your choice, you choose the next class movie, AND 7 points on the next QUIZ!!


Better Luck Next Time!


Give your best impression of acting something funny out. If the class laughs, YOU WIN!

*Not giggle

Prize: free restroom pass!


What are the 5 parameters of sign language? 


Prize: 2 free answers on the next Unit TEST!  


Choose a student in the room. 

The best of 3 rock, paper, scissors move to round 2.

Round 2: 

Choose a different student in the room. 

The best of 3 rock, paper, scissors move to round 3.

Round 3: You must roll  snake eyes to WIN! 

Prize: 3 pieces of candy


You pressed your luck and WON! Steal Anyones prize in the room! 



List all 10 steps of glossing, in order. 

Prize: 5 extra points on the next QUIZ!



Try again! 

You must choose 1 student in the room and sign a 7 word sentence to them. If they say every word correctly and you signed correctly (without fingerspelling) YOU WIN! 

Prize: 1 free assignment up to 10 points AND and sweet treat!



Try again! 

you must roll snake eyes to win your prize!


Prize: steal a prize from any player!


Choose anyone in the room to challenge with equal skill set. You each will have 1 minute to sign as many signs as possible. Whoever has the most signs, WINS!

Prize: 1 Free assignment up to 25 points!


Telephone! Mrs. Gondocs will fingerspell a word to you. You will then fingerspell it to the next person and so on. You can only fingerspell it once. If it is correct in the end YOU WIN!

*Must be fingerspelled at normal - fast speed

Prize: Sit anywhere for one class period AND 5 extra points on the final!