Preterite or Imperfect?
Preterite AND Imperfect
sentir (ella)
What is sintió
ir (nosotros)
What is íbamos
Which sentence is correct and WHY: Él tuvo veinte años. Él tenía veinte años.
What is Él tenía veinte años. Imperfect because of age.
Translate: I was cooking when the phone rang.
What is Yo estaba cocinando cuando sonó el teléfono.
Write the entire conjugation chart for the verb saber in the preterite.
What is supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supieron
List 3 key words that trigger the use of the preterite tense
What is anoche, ayer, anteayer, el año pasado, de repente, desde el primer momento, una vez, dos veces, esta tarde, etc...
List 3 key words that trigger the use of the imperfect tense
What is todos los días, siempre, de vez en cuando, cada día, de niño/a, a menudo, generalmente, a veces, con frecuencia, nunca, por un rato, en aquella época, etc...
I used to play volleyball. (Is this sentence going to use preterite or imperfect? Why?)
What is Imperfect because of habitual/repeated action in the past (hint: "used to") Yo jugaba el voleibol.
Which sentence is correct and why: Nosotros estábamos mirando el partido y empezó a nevar. Nosotros estuvimos mirando el partido y empezaba a nevar.
What is Nosotros estábamos mirando el partido y empezó a nevar. because the ongoing event is "we were watching the game" (imperfect) and the action that interrupts is that "it started to snow" (preterite)
Write the entire conjugation chart for traducer in the preterite
What is traduje, tradujiste, tradujo, tradujimos, tradujeron
Write the conjugation chart for ser.
What is fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron
Translate: She played soccer every day.
What is Ella jugaba el fútbol todos los días.
Translate: I went to the market. (Preterite or Imperfect? Why?)
What is Yo fui al mercado. Preterite because it is likely a completed action. There is no indication that it is an uncompleted or a repeated action.
Translate: She met her husband when they worked together.
What is Ella conoció a su marido/esposo cuando trabajaban juntos.

Write the entire conjugation chart for the verb querer in the preterite

What is quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisieron

Write the entire conjugation chart for construir.
What is construí, construiste, construyó, construimos, construyeron
Translate: It was 7 in the morning.
What is Eran las siete de la mañana.
Translate: When you were three years old, you were small.
What is Cuando tú tenías tres años, eras pequeño/a.
Translate: It was midnight when I finally finished the project.
What is Era la medianoche cuando finalmente yo terminé el proyecto.
Translate: I woke up, I ate breakfast, I brushed my teeth, and I went to school.
What is Yo me desperté, desayuné, me cepillé los dientes y fui a la escuela.
Translate: I made dinner last Friday.
What is Yo hice la cena el viernes pasado.
Write the entire conjugation chart for ver.
What is veía, veías, veía, veíamos, veían
It was raining cats and dogs. (Preterite or Imperfect? Why?)
What is Estaba lloviendo a cántaros. Imperfect because it is talking about the weather.
Translate: I went outside and I realized that it was very hot.
What is Yo fui afuera y me di cuenta que hacía mucho calor.

Antes, mis hermanas y yo (comer) muchos dulces.

Conjugate comer and choose whether the sentence is preterite or imperfect

Antes, mis hermanas y yo comíamos muchos dulces.

Imperfect. Antes means before, and a specific period of time is not mentioned