The ending for -ER/-IR verbs in the nosotros form.
What is -imos?
The stem of the verb hablar.
What is habl-?
What is agarró?
I walked to school. (caminar)
What is Yo caminé a la escuela.?
The pretérito describes...
What is ...completed actions in the past?
The ending for -AR verbs in the tú form.
What is -aste?
The stem of the verb correr.
The verb comer in the nosotros form?
What is comimos?
Juan and Luís played soccer with their friends. (jugar)
What is Juan y Luís jugaron a fútbol con sus amigos.?
What is the verb stem?
What is -í? (with an accent mark)
The stem of the verb escribir.
What is escrib-?
The verb beber in the ellos/ellas/Uds. form.
What is bebieron?
I wrote a book last year. (escribir)
What is Yo escribí un libro el año pasado.?
The process of attaching endings to a verb stem according to the subject of the sentence who does the action.
What is conjugation?
The ending for -AR verbs in the ellos/ellas/Uds. form.
What is -aron?
The stem of the verb recibir.
What is recib-?
The verb trabajar in the tú form.
What is trabajaste?
My family ran a marathon in April. (correr)
What is Mi familia corrió un maratón en abril.?
This country predominantly uses the vosotros form.
What is Spain/España?
The ending for -AR verbs in the vosotros form.
What is -asteis?
The stem of the verb desaparecer.
What is desaparec-?
The verb vivir in the ellos/ellas/Uds. form.
What is vivieron?
Alexandra and I went out to an elegant restaurant, and I held her hand. (salir, agarrar)
What is Alexandra y yo salimos a un restaurante elegante, y yo le agarró la mano a ella.?
The verb tense used to describe a sequence of completed past actions.
What is el pretérito?