the Punic wars took place in 264–146 bc. who were the contestants
x2 points for why it started
Rome and carthage
a scurfuffle in Sicily
Scotland's national animal is this
x2 points if you can tell me why
dominance and chivalry associated with the unicorn
in the book series pjo, how many kids do percabeth have
x2 points for names
ha i tricked you, its not canonical that they have kids
x3 points for that answer
who wrote ride of the Valkyries
Richard Wagner
pangolins were hunted and almost driven to extinction. why did this happen
scales have alleged medicinal purposes, 3 points
meat is delicacy, 1 point
skin can be turned into expensive leather, 2 points
how many giraffes did the king of Egypt Muhammad Ali send to Europe
x2 what was the name of one of the giraffes
only one had a name and that name was zarafa
what Scottish city made the first fire brigade
in ra what drug does will take
x2 points for who helps him out of it
Evanlyn/princess Cassandra
Flight of the Bumblebee was written for what opera
x2 points for who wrote it
The Tale of Tsar Saltan
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
how long is a giraffe's tongue
x2 points what color are the tongues
18-20 inches
blue black/purple
who was the roman emperor who made his horse, Incitatus, a priest and possibly even a senator
x2 points what god did he wage war on
what Scottish city is the largest
x2 points for the art collages name there
gsa (Glasgow school of art
in harry potter and the philosophers stone harry is seen playing a part in the game quidditch, when did that game originate
x2 points for where every ball originates, (except snitch, we already know that one)
Queerditch Marsh in the 11th century
quaffle = there from the start (game started much like a flying version of non-American football)
bludger = Scottish warlock bewitched stones to fly around and hit the players, maybe from the Scottish game Creaothceann
this one is easy, who wrote the 4 seasons
x2 for ~ how long it takes to listen to a performance
~40 min
hippos are animals, that is also the Greek name for what animal
what Greek philosopher did Diogenes de-bunk with his, plucked chicken skit
x2 points what thing did Diogenes live in for a while
a barrel
what city in Scotland do my cousins live in
x2 points, what are there names
Samuel, Benjamin
how many httyd books are there
who is considered the father of notation
x2 points for where he is from
Guido d'Arezzo
octopus are called octopus. but why are they called that
x2 points for naming one other cool fact about octopi
the Greek word octo meaning 8 and the Greek word puos meaning foot
literally anything works, if its true
where is Mansa Musa from
x2 points (easy) what is he famos for
Mali in the 1300s
pilgrimage to mecca/richest person alive... ever
Scotland invented what nationally known sport
x2 points for another sport invented by scotland
we will see if you get it right
who is Arthurs father
x2 points what is the idea that made it ok for Lancelot to love Arthur's wife Guinevere (hint: originated in France)
courtly love
Tchaikovsky's 1812 overturn was about what military campaign
napoleons invasion of Russia
why do tigers lick their wounds
to promote healing due to saliva having antimicrobial properties