Muscular Training
Cardioresp. Endurance

Conditioning that attempts to bring about peak performance while reducing injuries and overtraining in the athlete by developing a training and conditioning program to be followed throughout the various seasons.

What is Periodization?


This needs to be done before a workout to prepare the body physiologically for physical work.

What is a warm up?


Range of motion possible about a given joint or series of joints.

What is flexibility?


This is the ability of a muscle to generate force against some resistance.

What is muscular strength?


This refers to the body’s ability to transport and use oxygen efficiently and to perform whole-body, large-muscle activities for extended periods.

What is cardiorespiratory endurance?


This period occurs primarily during the off-season when there are no upcoming competitions and has three phases

What is the preparatory period?


Needs to be done at the end of a workout to help body return to resting state properly

What is cool down?


These structures are most often responsible for limiting range of motion.

What are muscles and tendons?


This is the ability to perform repetitive muscular contractions against some resistance for an extended time

What is muscular endurance?


This activity is one in which the intensity of the activity is low enough that the cardiovascular system can supply enough oxygen to continue the activity for long periods

What is aerobic activity?


This period consists of high intensity with low volume exercises and maintaining off season strength and power gains

What is the competition period?


Increase the intensity of the conditioning program gradually and within the individual athlete’s ability to adapt to increasing workloads.

What is progression?


Area of tenderness in a tight band of muscle

What is trigger point?


This occurs when athletes work out too many times per week and can result in staleness

What is over training?


An activity in which the intensity is so great that the demand for oxygen is greater than the body’s ability to deliver oxygen

What is anaerobic activity?


This period happens in the off-season and often involves unstructured or recreational activity.

What is the transition period?


This principle occurs when the system works harder than it is accustomed to working and gradually adapts to the imposed demands.

What is overload?


This type of warm up involves movement related to  the types of activities that athletes are about to engage in

What is dynamic warm up?


Scientific term for an increase in muscle size

What is hypertrophy?


Greatest rate at which oxygen can be taken in and used during exercise

What is maximum aerobic capacity?


This phase happens in the preparatory period and typically occurs in the early part of the off-season. Training is at a low intensity with a high volume of repetitions, using activities that may or may not be directly related to a specific sport.

What is the hypertrophy/endurance phase?


SAID is an acronym that stands for this

What is Specific Adaptations for Imposed Demands?


This stretching is done with a partner and involves combinations of alternating contractions and stretches

What is Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation?


This exercise uses a rapid eccentric stretch of the muscle to facilitate an explosive concentric contraction

What is plyometric exercise?


This training involves intense periods of exertion with periods of less rigorous exercise

What is high intensity interval training?