What is the protagonist's name?
Name one reason why Zuri loves her neighborhood
The people, food, block parties, community, music, diversity
What is the name of Zuri's neighborhood?
Who is the antagonist (bad guy) of the novel?
Darius Darcy
How does Warren know Darius?
They go to the same school
What are the names of the two boys who move in across the street from Zuri's family?
Darius & Ainsley Darcy
Zuri's oldest sister, Janae
Why does Zuri not like the Darcys?
She thinks they are stuck up/ruining her neighborhood
What religion does Madrina practice?
What is Zuri's best friend's name?
How do Mami and Papi's views on the girls dating differ?
Mami wants them to date around and to be players, whereas Papi is against the girls dating
Where do the Darcy's move into?
The abandoned mansion across the street from Zuri's apartment
What happens between Janae and Ainsley?
They break up because Layla and Kayla made a comment about Janae being a gold digger
True or false: Zuri is the quiet one of the family?
Who is Zuri's landlord?
BONUS FOR 400 ADDITIONAL POINTS: Who is her landlord's nephew?
Bonus: Colin
Warren and Zuri likes him because he's hood (and from her hood), but also has something going for him. He takes her out. He acts respectful.
Who does Zuri share a room with?
All of her sisters
What does Janae want to do that upsets Zuri?
Which one of Zuri's sisters loves money?
Name all 5 Benitez sisters
Janae, Zuri, Marisol, Layla & Kayla
Warren tells Zuri he hates Darius because Warren got into a fight at school and Darius' dad tried to get him kicked out because of it.
What college does Zuri visit?
BONUS: In what city is it located?
Howard University in Washington D.C.
What is Zuri worried about when it comes to going to college?
That she won't like it, money, that she will miss home
A book seller