Knox Teachers
2014-2015 Concerts
Special Events
Musical Stuff
Our Director
The only Knox classroom teacher with a college degree beyond a Masters degree.
Who is Dr. Steltz?
A concert that featured a clarinet soloist, and jazz band pieces "El Taco Rocko", and "Swing State."
What was the Fall Concert?
7th and 8th grade band members joined together to perform after enjoying pizza and Cheerwine.
What was the Knox Pep Band Performance at the Knox 7th grade football game?
The bottom line is named G and trombones and tubas use it every day.
What is BASS CLEF?
You can use a yardstick or laser to measure his height from floor to the top of his head.
What is six feet and seven inches?
This Knox English Language Arts Teacher has served as a Knox Teacher-of-the-Year and drives a Red car.
Who is Mrs. Stubbs?
A special event featuring awards, gifts, briskets, and performances by five different Knox bands.
What was the Spring Outdoor Cookout Concert?
This multiple performance event included singing, dancing, comedy, gymnastics, and Kenzie.
What is Spotlight 2015: The Knox Student Talent Show?
You must pronounce us "down-up" and we're faster than the usual notes.
What is the 8th note pair?
Mr. Kyzer received his masters degree from this college after serving on the staff of this often-televised college football marching band for two years.
What is LSU?
The coach of the winless Knox girls softball team and 2015 Knox Teacher of the Year.
Who is Mrs. Dohme?
A concert that featured Dr. Garret as our narrator.
What was the March Band Concert?
A special recognition of students who achieve great musicianship and great success in the academic classroom.
What is the Band Honor Society?
I am Italian and I tell you when the tempo is supposed to be Fast.
What is Allegro?
He started studying this instrument in 1969 during the 6th grade at Shirley Hills Elementary School.
What is the trombone?
He played high school football, graduated from Catawba College, was Mr. Kyzer's teaching partner in 2014, and is the brother of another Knox teacher.
Who is Mr. Reinsvold?
The evening musical performance event where Mr. Kyzer played the piano while Mrs. Johnson directed the choir in "The Phantom of the Opera."
What was the Fall Concert?
This event involves every single band student and is documented on the walls of the Knox band room.
What are band pictures?
The top space is named E and all woodwinds and trumpets use this.
Your director received this award after 10 hours of submitted videos of his teaching, 39 pages of typed submissions, lots of early morning typing, and a long day of computer testing in Charlotte, NC.
What is National Board Certification or National Board Certified Teacher?
This Knox exploratory teacher welcomed a new baby to his family and coached the "exciting" 2015 Knox Boys Tennis Team.
Who is Coach Beaver?
Mr. Kyzer directed a band and chorus at the same time.
What was the 6th grade band and chorus December concert?
This event is sponsored by the Rowan United Way and has been a Knox band event for the past 12 years.
What was the 7th grade jazz band concert at Catawba College for the Service-Above-Self Awards?
Required for all different kinds of auditions there is a secret place in the back of the book where you can easily locate it and find help at the same time.
What is chromatic scale?
Far away from North Carolina, and home of the College World Series, the state where your director's grandchildren now live.
What is Nebraska?