General Instructions
Baptism and Confirmation
Giving Blessings
Conferring the Priesthood and Ordaining to an Office
These Saving Ordinances are required for exaltation by all accountable persons.
What are baptism, confirmation, Melchizedek Priesthood ordination (for men), the temple endowment, and temple sealing.
A father who is a priest or Melchizedek Priesthood holder, but who is not fully temple worthy, may name and bless a child, baptize his children or ordain his sons to offices in the Aaronic Priesthood under these circumstances.
What is with permission and discretion of the bishop, and has no unresolved, serious sins. *Note- he can be allowed to stand in the circle for confirmation of his children or for the conferral of the Melchizedek Priesthood but may not act as voice.
Under the direction of the bishopric, this person has the privilege and responsibility to invite others to help pass the sacrament.
Who is the deacons quorum president?
Olive oil is consecrated for the healing of the sick. One or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders hold an open container and do this.
What is address Heavenly Father; State that he is acting in the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood; consecrate the oil (not the container) and set it apart for the anointing and blessing the sick and afflicted.
These officers oversee the conferral of the Aaronic and the Melchizedek Priesthoods.
Who are the bishop for the Aaronic, and the state president for the Melchizedek.
In addition to saving ordinances, these priesthood ordinances require authorization from a priesthood leader who holds the appropriate keys or functions under the direction of a person who holds those keys.
What are naming and blessing a child, dedicating a grave, giving a patriarchal blessing, and preparing, blessing and passing the sacrament.
These 2 people make sure the words of the baptism prayer are spoken exactly as given in D&C 20:73 , as well as ensuring no part of the person's clothing or body is not immersed completely.
Who are the witnesses. They must be Melchizedek Priesthood holders.
Those who bless and pass the sacrament should be clean and well groomed, as well as dress in this manner.
What is in modest dress that does not call attention to or distract members during the sacrament. White shirts and ties are recommended but are not mandatory.
Normally two, but one Melchizedek priesthood holder may perform both of these ordinances when administering to the sick.
What are anointing the head with oil and sealing the anointing. *Note- If consecrated oil is not available, a blessing may be given without the anointing. *If a person requests more than one blessing for the same illness, the priesthood holder need not anoint with oil after the first blessing.
Worthy brethren should be ordained at the following minimum ages for each office of the Aaronic Priesthood.
What is age 12- Deacon; 14- teacher; 16- priest
A Melchizedek Priesthood holder may consecrate oil, administer to the sick, give fathers blessings and give other blessings of comfort without first seeking this.
What is authorization from a priesthood leader.
A Priesthood holder who is from outside the local Ward or Stake, and intends to name and bless a child, baptize or confirm, ordain to a priesthood office, or dedicate a grave, should provide this to the presiding officer.
What is a current temple recommend or a Recommend to Perform and Ordinance form that is signed by a member of the bishopric.
The bishop makes sure the sacrament prayer found in these scriptural verses, are spoken clearly, accurately and with dignity.
What is D&C 20:77, 79. Note- if the person blessing the bread or water makes an error in the wording but corrects himself, no further correction is required, but if not corrected, the bishop indicates that the prayer be repeated correctly.
Anointing with oil and sealing the anointing do not require exact wording but typically include the following:
1. What is putting a drop of oil on the person's head; placing his hands on the persons head and calling him/her by the full name; State that he is acting by the authority of the MP; state that he is anointing with oil that has been consecrated for anointing and blessing the sick and afflicted; ending in the name of Jesus Christ. 2.Normally 2 or more MP holders lay hands on head and call the person by their full name; State he is sealing the anointing by the authority of the MP; give words of blessing as the spirit directs; close in the name of Jesus Christ.
These 2 requirements are needed to participate in an ordination.
What is be a priest or Melchizedek Priesthood holder, and have equal or higher priesthood authority than is to be given in the ordinance.
In a priesthood blessing the person acting as the voice speaks in this way, rather than saying a prayer (Heavenly Father, please bless this person that...)
What is he speaks words of blessing (I or we bless you...)?
These 2 people hold the keys for confirmations.
What are the bishop for confirming 8-year old children of record, and the mission president for confirming converts.
This person receives the sacrament first, followed by the congregation in a reverently and orderly manner.
Who is the presiding officer.
Fathers blessings and other blessings of comfort are especially helpful for these situations.
What are children going to school, going on missions, getting married, entering the military, or facing special challenges. *Note- a family may record a father's blessing but these blessings are not preserved in church records.
To confer the Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood, the person(s) performing the ordination place their hands on the person's head and call the person by his full name. They state the authority by which the ordination is performed. They then do the following.
What is confer the Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood and Ordain the person to an Office in the Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood and bestow the rights, powers, and authority of that office. Words of blessing are also given as the spirit directs. The person closes in the name of Jesus Christ.
Brethren who perform ordinances and blessings should perform each ordinance or blessing in a dignified manner, making sure it meets these 4 requirements.
What is: 1. It should be performed in the name of Jesus Christ. 2. It should be performed by the authority of the priesthood. 3. It should be performed with any necessary procedures, such as using specific words or using consecrated oil. 4. It should be authorized by the presiding authority who holds the proper keys (normally Bishop or SP)
Instructions for performing a confirmation include one or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders laying their hands lightly on the person's head and speaking a blessing that includes these 5 things before closing in the name of Jesus Christ.
What is 1. States the person's full name. 2. States the ordinance is performed by the authority of the MP. 3. Confirms the person a member of the Church. 4. Uses the words "Receive the Holy Ghost". 5. Gives words of blessing as the Spirit directs.
Occasionally members may be unable to attend sacrament meeting because of distance to the meeting house is too great, or because they are confined to a home, nursing home, or hospital. The person assigned must be a priest or Melchizedek Priesthood holder and the service must be held within this defined area.
What is within the ward boundaries?
These 2 non-church places can be dedicated by a Melchizedek holder if desired.
What are graves and homes? *note- read handbook 20.9 and 20.11
This guide provided by the Church indicates who is authorized to perform a setting apart of officers and teachers.
What is The Chart of Callings? Found in Handbook 2.