What does BAS stand for?
Benchmark Assessment System
What is the name of the test everyone takes 3 times a year?
iReady Diagnostic
What does IRA stand for?
Interactive Read Aloud
What part of reading addresses rate and accuracy?
What is the name of the document that tells teachers what is expected?
Tedder Expectations
What level must students reach by the end of first grade?
What do students do after they complete the diagnostic?
Students begin their learning path.
What is the difference between IRA and shared reading?
Students have a book during shared.
Reading level is at frustration level of most in IRA
Some in Shared
What is LLI?
Leveled Literacy intervention
What must all displayed student work have?
What is the name of the EOY test in first and 2nd grade?
Primary Assessment
What does Ms. Beavers check for when iReady reports are pulled?
Minutes and Lessons passed
What are the two things that should be done during IRA?
Think Alouds or Modeled Reading
Turn and Talk
What are the reporting categories on both the primary assessment and FSA?
Key Ideas and Details
Craft and Structure
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Laungauge and Editing
What should students not in small group be doing during small group time?
What is the name of the test Kindergarten takes at the beginning of the school year?
Name the categories tested in ELA on the Diagnostic?
Phonemic Awareness
Informational Comrehension
Literature Comprehension
Where can you find IRA lessons already completed that go along with Social Studies and Science Leveled Readers?
Elementary Learning
Lowest 300
Name 3 components of Balanced Literacy
Small Group Guided Reading
Interactive Read Aloud
Shared Reading
Write About Reading
What should you have students complete at the end of a lesson?
Exit Ticket