The number of adults needed to be in the room during classes, activities, or other events where children are present. (12.3.5)
What is 2?
The two adults could be two women, two men, or a married couple.(12.3.5)
This event is held during the last few months of the year, it’s a time for children to share what they have learned at home or at church during the year. (12.1.6)
Children’s sacrament meeting presentation (12.1.6)
Nursery leaders use this manual (12.3.5)
Behold your little ones
These people select the songs for singing time
Primary Presidency and Music Leader
All adults who work with children must complete this within one month of being sustained and must repeat the training every three years thereafter. (12.5.1)
What is the children and youth protection training?
____are responsible to teach their children the gospel and help them live it (see Doctrine and Covenants 68:25–28). ______ support parents in this responsibility.
Parents, primary leaders and teachers
This age group is not able to be used as substitutes in primary
This person must approve the use of any music in Primary that isn't from the standard church publications.
The bishop/ bishopric
Teachers should remain with young children after Primary until this person comes for them. (12.3.5)
What is a family member?
This is One of the most important responsibilities of the Primary presidency is to help parents prepare children to enter and progress along this.
covenant path
These are two resources teachers can use to find principles for teaching
Teachers and nursery leaders follow the principles in Teaching in the Savior’s Way and chapter 17 of the handbook.
Primary activities are held this often, when possible.
two times a month
They can be held more or less frequently. Leaders consider family circumstances, travel distance and costs, and safety.
During Primary, a young child must be taken to the restroom by this person. Leaders and teachers should not take children into the restroom. (12.5.4)
What is a a parent or legal guardian?
_____help children feel Heavenly Father’s love and learn about His plan of happiness. Lessons follow the Come, Follow Me curriculum. (12.1.4)
Primary classes
What lesson material to be used on 5th sundays? (12.1.4)
Appendix B, for primary - preparing God’s children for a lifetime on God’s Covenant Path
All supplies and activities, including day camps, are paid for by this.