The process of learning societies norms, values and behaviors, often occurring through family, school, peers, and religious institution
Shaw & Mackay argued that crime is linked to family structure
True or false
What is socialization?
Based on response
A child grew up where aggression is normalized
This agent of socialization teaches children basic norms, values and customs from an early age
Is it true that Sutherland suggest violence is a learned behavior
The type of socialization occurs during childhood, where children learn behavior from there family
Primary socialization
A teenager joins a peer group that engages in criminal activity
Bad socialization
This institution teaches moral values, tradition and a sense of community. Play role in persons belief
Give aways: List one belief of any sociologist that was mentioned
Based on presenters' discretion
The physical force, threats or power against a person or group resulting in hard
A church community reinforces moral values and encourages charitable acts, promoting positive behavior
This group influences a person's behaviour, fashion, and language. (adolescence)
This theory suggests that violence is a learned behavior
Sutherland Theory
Groups such as family, schools, peers, and church that shape an individual social development is called
Agent of socialization
Chrisandra teaches her twins honesty, and kindness
This agent of socialization reinforces societal norms through formal instruction and Hidden-Curriculum
Parson argues that _____ agent is a key institution involve in Primary Socialization
Define the Hidden curriculum
Points given based on answer
Make up a scenario in 10 sec, and explain why it is good or bad socialization
Based on presenters' discretion