It's your last name if you're a '70s TV dad with a wholesome "Bunch" of kids... or if you're the host of "Let's Make a Deal"
If Mo Rocca was munching on a latke in Osaka, he'd be enjoying a potato pancake in a city in this country
Due to a mix-up, the giant robot doll from this South Korean series was briefly displayed in front of a museum
Squid Game
Though we mourn this garment's passing from the realm of viral popularity, it is survived by its component parts, blankets & sleeves
the Slanket (or Snuggie)
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of "Sleepless in Seattle" in 2023, this Big Apple landmark displayed a heart on its spire
the Empire State Building
This pair of words refers to rules, and the enforcement of those rules, in an organized society... dun dun
law & order
In 1824, President Monroe invited him back to the adopted country of his youth, which has always cherished his "important services"
It's how you might describe a leafy tree that helps you beat the heat... or that weird neighbor who keeps trying to sell you crypto
If Mo Rocca was reading Kafka while eating moussaka, he'd be enjoying tales of alienation while consuming this purple produce
Donald Glover's brother Stephen is the voice behind the hit song "Paper Boi" from this dramatic comedy
An ineffective & oddly suggestive workout will be held for this fitness gimmick; oscillating dumbbells will be provided
the Shake Weight
Fans of this indie darling still visit Preston, Idaho to tour the film's locations, including Rex Kwon Do & Pedro's house
Napoleon Dynamite
They're names for pointy implements used in sewing & for a feeling like you're getting pricked by them
pins & needles
In 1824, President Monroe invited him back to the adopted country of his youth, which has always cherished his "important services"
the Marquis de Lafayette
She's the pampered cocker spaniel who falls for a stray mutt in a 1955 animated film
If Mo Rocca was unblocking a chakra in Opa-locka, he'd be doing yoga in a city in this southeasternmost U.S. state
A yearslong FBI investigation that exposed a deep-cover Russian spy ring was the inspiration for this FX drama
The Americans
Funeral services for this line dance will be held on the nearest cruise ship, featuring a special performance by Los del Rio
the "Macarena"
"My Big Fat Greek Wedding" introduced the idea that this household cleaner could cure anything, "from psoriasis to poison ivy"
These words meaning "junk" refer to floating debris from a ship--some thrown overboard on purpose, some there by accident
flotsam & jetsam
With his on-screen partner in crime Faye Dunaway, he presented the Best Picture Oscar in 2017... to the wrong film
Warren Beatty
If Mo Rocca and Neil Sedaka were shouting "Wocka! Wocka! Wocka!", they would be crying out this Muppet's catchphrase
Fozzie (Bear)
Vince Gilligan has asked fans of "Breaking Bad" to stop throwing these on the roof of a house featured on the show
In lieu of flowers, mourners of this trend are asked to lie face down, rigid with their arms at their sides and be photographed
Director Bobby Farrelly revealed that his sister's friend once zipped up his "frank & beans", inspiring a scene in this film
There's Something About Mary
Used together, these words are synonymous with intrigue & secrecy, and they sound much cooler than "poncho & knife"
cloak & dagger
It's what you are if you reside in the small emirate nestled between Iraq & Saudi Arabia
If Mo Rocca blurted "Boomshakalaka" during "Ninotchka", he'd be reacting excitedly to a 1939 movie starring this Swedish film legend
Greta Garbo
Mike White, the creator of this HBO series, said that the first season is about money and the second season is about romance
White Lotus
Born of ordinary Hawaiian milk caps, they are survived by millions of cardboard "slammers" lying unused in millennial closets
So she wouldn't hear Alan Arkin's profane tirades, 9-year-old Abigail Breslin wore headphones in several scenes in this 2006 hit
Little Miss Sunshine
They're "F" words, but not the bad kind; they refer to a region's native plant & animal life
flora & fauna