A Day of Balanced Learning
Behavior Guidance
Misc. (2)
Behave Your Best

Teachers follow the flow of activities outlined in the _____  ______ to ensure a well-organized and productive classroom environment

Daily Schedule. 

  • This schedule will help maintain a structured and efficient learning environment for the children

_____ is a key component of Primrose’s Positive Behavior Guidance approach


  • Discuss ways you prevent Behavior concerns 

A message comes through in Procare from a parent, what do you do?

Read the message at an appropriate time, respond and let other primary teachers know you have done so


List 4 ways to approach each day with joy

  • Smile
  • say hi
  • arrive ready for your day
  • be present
  • strive to do your best and help others do their best 

Behave Your Best (science based recommendations). This approach is _____ and _______

This approach is PROACTIVE and POSITIVE


Describe Balanced Learning

  • Balanced Learning is our exclusive time-tested approach. 
  • Created from the best early education wisdom, it balances purposeful play with nurturing guidance from teachers to encourage curiosity, creativity, confidence and compassion.

List at least 4 ways Balanced Learning supports behavior prevention

  • Daily Schedule/ Rules of the Roost
  • Build Trusted Relationships
  • Implement Curriculum
  • Plan for the Day/Classroom Helper Chart
  • Wonder Times/Small Groups/Circle  Time
  • Transitions
  • Primrose Puppet friends 

The morning message comes through in Procare from mgmt, what do you do?

  • Read the message at an appropriate time, ensuring all staff in the room are aware of the message
  • If something does not look accurate, code up front and ask for clarification 

What is a discovery day? What age do we typically do this for?

  • Provides an opportunity for the child to experience a day at your Primrose School prior to parents making a final decision. This is also an opportunity for Primrose teachers and management to determine if Primrose is the right fit for the child. 
  • Orientation is scheduled after parent has turned in their pre-registration form and a date has been set to enroll! During orientation mgmt. review school specific, classroom specific and child specific information. The child is encouraged to come and explore the classroom for the time orientation takes.

Pretend you are a light switch – what does this mean?

The frontal lobe shuts down when a child experiences stressors, likely to protect the child since they don’t yet have the skills necessary to effectively cope with that stressor 


What does Early Morning Arrival and Signing-In look like for Wonder, Venture and Kindergarten          

  • A consistent arrival and attendance routine throughout the different age groups aids letter and name recognition and builds a sense of belongingness as part of the classroom community.
  • It also gives a sense of responsibility and signals that the classroom is ready to start the day.
  • Wonder – name cards, Venture – sign in cards, Kindergarten – Question of the Day

Connection over _________________


  • Language is everything à Children are NOT their behavior
  • Behaviors can become who the child is when we continue to discuss the behaviors in front of the children/continuously in the classroom (biting, hair pulling, pushing, etc.)
  • It may not be intentional, but the children pick up on it, as well as other staff

You arrive to Primrose and need to use the restroom, fill your water and make a call. When should you clock in?

After all your tasks are done and you are ready to be in the classroom or help up front. These tasks must be completed prior to clocking in.


A tour is in your classroom window, you should?

  • Smile, wave, and keep going with what you are doing. Parents want to see the classroom in action. 

Behavior always has a purpose, if a child’s light switch is on, you should do what to keep it on?

  • Teach!
  • Provide doses of attention 
  • Be an entertainer
  • Is something isn’t working, stop doing it.  What is your next best step

What does Circle Time encourage, and how should children sit?

Circle Time encourages children to come together as a community of learners, introduces new concepts for the day or week, and reinforces concepts learned in previous lessons. 

Children are encouraged join and sit in a way that is comfortable to them without disrupting their peers. (See: Tips for Helping Children Sit Up Straight)


A child is refusing to join centers and is hanging on the teacher. What skill is the child missing? What Language should teachers use when this is happening?

  • Sharing attention – “I will give you one more hug and then you need to pick a center, would you like me to come back to the center you choose”,
  • Transitioning between activities – “Would you like to build blocks or make pizza in dramatic play”. 
  • Making independent choices during play – “What do you need right now?” “I see the sensory table is open, you can start there”

  • If children ALL want to hang on you or sit on your lap, you can say “I need personal space, you can sit next to me”

List 3 ways management communication to staff and how you communicate to management

  • See Communication Memo

You see a staff member breaking a licensing rule, what should you do?

  • Correct the staff member, they might have forgot
  • Notify management as you were not able to train the staff in the moment. 

When we/teachers stop talking we can teach silently by (list 2 ways)

  • Gestures/Prompting
  • Eye Contact
  • Starting a more appropriate activity

Reflections of the Day –go around the table and state your favorite part of Primrose Balanced Learning Approach.

Teachers are the number one influence over a child’s experience at a Primrose School! 

Thank you for all you do!


A child is hitting and kicking your co-teacher, what do you do?

  • Remain Calm
  • Ask the teacher if they need help
  • Suggest to the teacher the child is moved to a quiet area away from peers
  • “It’s ok to be upset, it’s not ok to hit or kick someone”

What is the #1 way to communicate with a teacher in a classroom if they are not in or already gone for the day?

Write a note in the Communication notebook

  • Does everyone have a communication notebook??

Why do Parents choose Primrose Eagan?

  • We are early education and child care leaders, passionately committed to the children, families and communities we serve. We Deliver the Wow! 
  • Parents want 3 things for their child while with us – To be safe and secure, happy, and learn!

How do Teachers keep their light switch on all day?? If it turns off, how do you get it back on?

  • Stop talking
  • Take a deep breath
  • Thinking about what is going well
  • Silently support the children/decrease expectations