Endless Summer
Etiquette Comes & Goes
Buildings and Locations
Evolving Language

As children, we dug in the dirt during outdoor play. Many enjoy re-creating that activity as an adult by practicing this hobby.

What is gardening?


You should do this if RSVP appears on the invitation.

What is respond.


When it was built in the 1930s,  this building was the tallest building in New York City

What is EMPIRE STATE BUILDING? It stands at 1250-feet tall. Though now it is not the tallest in the city that title goes to One World Trade Center at 1776-feet tall.


This blanket is made by sewing scraps of fabric into intricate designs.

What is quilt?


Also called films, we used to watch them in theaters, then VHS and DVD; now we stream on the internet.

What are movies?


This type of pool exercise is safe for people of all ages.

What is swimming or water aerobics?


At the table, this goes on your lap.

What is a napkins?


This Italian structure leans no matter how many times it goes through renovations. 

What is the LEANING TOWER OF PISA? It was built in 1173


In the 1970s drama, Jack Krugman played a medical examiner

What is Quincy?


This piece of equipment, which was once used for voice communication, has taken over many people's lives.

What is a phone?


 This is a favorite summertime citrus beverage

What is lemonade?


Your mother probably warned you that these should never go on the table while eating.

What are elbows?


This is the Chicago Cubs' field

What is WRIGLEY FIELD?  Built in 1914, the field is the second-oldest field in MLB.


When someone becomes sick and infected, they might be expected to spend time at home.

What is quarantine?


When we were young, people looked forward to this recurring, two-day respite from work as party time.

What is weekend?


This is a favorite non-alcoholic beverage enjoyed on Southern porches.

What is iced tea?


During an earlier era, we didn't wear this color after Labor Day.

What is white?

It is the largest desert in the United States.

What is MOJAVE. It spreads across Nevada, Arizona and California and receives less than two inches of rain per year.


Four children born at same time by same mother is called this.

What are Quadruplets?


We used to think of apples as fruit; today it's also the name of this type of company.

What is computer?


Two al fresco dining activities are popular in the summer. Name one of them.

What are picnics or backyard barbecues?


Once upon a time, a man should not have worn this in the house.

What is hat?


This is U.S. president's official guesthouse in Washington DC

What is BLAIR HOUSE? Roosevelt requested US government to purchase the Blair House in 1942 for diplomatic uses. 


A type of kitchen counter is made from this crystalline substance.

What is Quorum?


No we say food and drink. People used to say this generic protein and drink.

What is meat?