First Aid CPR
Cornell Notes
Laboratory Journals
Friendship Culture
Pipetting 101

What is the ratio of chest compressions to breaths?

30 to 2


Where were Cornell Notes created?

Cornell University


When should you bring your lab journals to school and home?



From Top 10 Study Strategies;

How often should you review your class notes?

Either response will be accepted.

  • Review your class notes within 24 hours in order to transfer what you’ve heard from your short term to long term memory

  • Take a few minutes each day to skim through your notes, fill in information you missed, and identify questions you have.


Why don't we touch the tip of the pipette?

I can cause contamination of the sample and alter test results of the experiment. 


What does CPR stand for and How often is the certification renewed?

(Double Jeopardy) Points Wager????

-You must get both parts right for full points.

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation  

Every 2 years


What side of the paper do the questions and main ideas go on?

Left side


What should you use when putting pictures or cut out data into the journal pages?

Glue Stick


What is the fire drill procedure and what path do we take in (Rm.B344) during a fire drill to exit the building?

Line up single file

exit the class on level 0

Walk up the ramp to the left stairwell doors from the gym to line up on the football field.


When using a pipette what is the next step after selecting the correct size? 

Set the correct volume using the volume setting wheel.


When providing CPR what 2 functions of the body are you replacing.

Heart beat and Oxygen Circulation (breathing)


How long should you review your notes after class?

10-15 minutes


What should be on page one of your laboratory journals after the table of contents?

(Double Jeopardy Question) Points Wager???

 A check list of everything need to submit for a experiment?

Name 3 services provided by Student Support Services? 

  • Tutorial schedules

  • Academic, truancy and/or behavior contracts

  • Credit recovery plan

  • Counseling

  • Individual learning plans and contracts


What are the liquids measured in when using a pipette?

Micro Liters


What is the first step in CPR?

Securing the scene or safety of the area for both you and the person/s in need.


How long should you wait to complete your summary section?

Summarize as soon as possible incase you have missed information for better understanding.


Where do you go to access your class experiments and guidelines?  


In the Civil Discourse PowerPoint:

What does COOL stand for when entering into a debate or trying to resolve a disagreement?



Only focus on the ideas.

Listening actively. 


When should you use the second stop of the Pipette?

When emptying the pipette press down on the plunger to the second stop to fully remove all the solution from the tip.


What is the name of the bone where your hands provide pressure for chest compressions?

the sternum


What percentage of information do most people retain after taking notes?

about 60%


If a mistake is made in your journal, What are the 3 steps to correct misinformation ? 

Line through text with a single line 

Initial and date next to the lined out data 

Write the corrected information with the date and time include a brief summary of why the change was needed to correct the data.


From the Fixed VS Growth Mindset PowerPoint:

Name 2 Famous Failures and one triumph.

(Double Daily) Points Wager????

Famous Failures: Walt Disney, Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Albert Einstein, or the Beatles

any triumph from the slides: see PowerPoint.


What is the proper way to transport liquid using a pipette? List all the steps in order. Be specific

1.Select the correct size

2. Set the volume

3. Choose a clean tip

4.Press down on the plunger then place tip into solution being transported

5. Release the plunger to pick up set volume of solution

6.Transport the sample tip down to its destination

7.Press down to the second stop to slowly  release sample at its destination 

8. over the trash can release the tip by pressing the ejection key