Course overview
Late work
Classroom policies

What percentage of your grade is the "Progress Check" category?

20%. Remember, these assignments are the only ones that cannot be submitted late!


Does this class have homework?

Yes, you will get a sketchbook assignment every 3 weeks. You will usually get a full class period to begin each assignment in class. Each assignment should take approximately 2-3 hours.


What is the deadline for late work?

A deadline will be set for the end of each QUARTER


If I come in after the bell, will I be marked tardy?

Yes, I know we are tucked away on the 4th floor, but we all need to do our best to get here on time.


What is something you learned about Ms. Faletto

WOW! how fun :)


What are the 4 main categories the rubrics focus on?

Concept, Composition, Technique, Perseverance


Define printmaking in your own words.

an artistic process based on the principle of transferring images from a matrix onto another surface, most often paper or fabric. 

The art of the multiple!


Is ALL work accepted late?

NO. Anything in the "progress check" category cannot be made up or submitted late. This includes class critiques, project check-ins, etc.


What is "Studio Maintenance"? 

Each quarter, I will ask you to assist with keeping the studio space clean and organized by assigning you a small task at the end of class. You will only do this once a quarter.

(This is something you WILL get credit for. Offering to come outside of class time to clean can also be an opportunity for extra credit *wink*)


How many teeth does the average adult have?

Most adults have 32 permanent teeth, which includes 12 molars, 8 premolars, 4 canines, and 8 incisors. Wisdom teeth, which are the third molars, are usually the last teeth to grow in.


What types of assignments are considered 'formative' assignments?

Sketchbook assignments and classwork/practice.


Is a crow the same as a raven?

Of course not! Both are highly intelligent and have glossy black feathers, but ravens are the larger of the two, weighing almost twice as much as their crow cousins, and have a thicker bill!


Will a late formative or summative assignment be accepted for full credit?

YES! As long as it is submitted before the end of quarter deadlines.


What is the phone policy?

Phones out of sight at all times!! Phones out during class will be put in a pouch until the end of class.


Tell me something about yourself



Your final grade is an average of what categories?

Progress Check




What are some of the printmaking techniques we will cover?

relief, intaglio, monotype, stencil.


What does a student need to do to turn in an assignment late?

Just resubmit on Google Classroom! I try to review late work every other week at least (usually every week).


Can I eat in here?

Unfortunately not. We use a lot of shared tools and not safe to eat materials. There are also ants everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you need to eat something because you missed a meal or you aren't feeling right, just ask me!!


Introduce us to someone at your table and tell us about them.

best friends forever


Will I pass this class?

OF COURSE. As long as you do the best quality work YOU can do and try to meet all deadlines, you have nothing to worry about.


Will we talk about art history at all?

of course! Printmaking has such a cool history of activism and technology. Without printmaking, most of us would have never learned to READ!


What is the approximate wingspan of a crow?

About 3 feet. 


Which of the  'Expectations' (last section) do you think is the most important and why?



What is the average lifespan of a crow?

10-15 years