An online discussion Board where you can post your opinion, whats on your mind, exciting news, etc.
What is Facebook wall.
What does ECPA stand for?
What is the Electronic Communications Protection Act.
What is the ECPA
What is Digital Due Process
What are some risks to social media in the workplace?
What is disclosing confidential personal and business information, harass co-workers, inappropriate websites, waste time.
Is facebook selling information and keeping your info in their arcives? Is there anything you can do about it?
What is YES! and a big astounding NO!
(Blank) lets you spit out real-time reports about what you're thinking and doing.
What is Twitter.
According to the Four Principles that google, microsoft, and intell suggest..government will have to get a (blank) based on a showing of Probably cause in order to get at non-publicly available e-mails, facebook postings, documents or photos.
What is a warrent.
When was the ECPA approved
What is 1986
What happened to the lady who bad mouthed her boss on facebook, as with others complaining about work.
What is FIRED!
Website that lets you search for any word in facebook posts. Shows pictures and full posts.