Privacy & Security
Authorized Users
Red flag
Law Enforcement Agency Request

the customer must be the ____, have a _______ on file, or be a____  in order for us to discuss the account. 

The caller must be the account holder, have POA paperwork on file with us, or be an authorized user in order for us to discuss any account information with them.


How do we verify an AU?

By B-Day


What does POA stand for?

Power of Attorney


What is a Red flag?

Red flags are suspicious patterns, or specific activities, that indicate the possibility of identity theft, or an attempt to deceive the company by providing false information to establish a new account.


Why will Law enforcement contact us ( what are they looking for) 

Law Enforcement Officials contact is asking for customer information as part of an investigation of a complaint.


True or False

If the customer can not verify security information we can verify the customer using, SS#, DL#, Date of birth, or mailing address


If the customer can not pass security verification they must go to the office with photo ID 


True or False

A AU can add on another AU as long as they have the birthday


Only the account holder can add on the AU


What kind of authorization is give to POA's?

The same authorization as the account holder


If a customer fails security and are asked to go to the office is a Red Flag form needed. 



Can we give them customer information even if they have the customer security. 


While we intend to fully cooperate, we can’t release information without receiving a Subpoena or Court Ordered documentation.


True or false

If the customer security is incomplete, you must direct the customer to their local office with photo identification.



True or False

A/U can fully or seasonally disconnect, reconnect, and transfer accounts.


Only the account holder can do this.


True or False

The POA paper needs to be filed BEFORE the POA can be authorized on the account. 


the customer can mail, fax, or email the POA to us. 


How and who do you send the red flag form to?

You must fill out a red flag form (found in the V drive) Form must be filled out in full and sent to your direct supervisor.


Who do we escalate an law enforcement request to?

Contact John McArdle & cc Diane Frable.

Zendesk ticket may be needed


What can we do if we are speaking to some who is not authorized on the account

We can not give any info on the account but we can 


-Answer general questions.. like office hours

-Accept payments - but can not review any billing info


True or False 

A/u can sign up for Mobile, home security, and digital phone


A/u Can not set up this service because they are unable to complete 3pv, esign or sign the smart home contract. 


Where do we file The POA paperwork

 BRCCSRDocuments Drive under Death Certificates-Obits-POA Documents. 

The document should filed by company and year


How to know when a red flag form is filed?

The agent who submitted the red flag form should note cc's "red flag form was submitted to direct super".

The super will then follow up and note the account with their findings. 


Where is the document found to help you file a Law enforcement Agency Request? 

V drive> Privacy & Security > Law Enforcement agency Request


True or False

The password and verification must be stated exactly as they are displayed in or system. If not we can give them a hint and there is no disciplinary repercussions


The customer must give us the exact password or security questions. We can NOT give hints. 

If hints are given, you may be subject to discipline. 


True of False

A/u can set up promise to pays



What do we do with the account once the POA is filed. 

We need to add the POA onto the Authorized Users list so team members assisting them in the future will be able to locate the user easily.

POA should show as First and last name POA then birthday

Example: Kay Bodnar POA 8/20/1989


What are 2 of the 5 types of Red flags?

Category 1:  Alerts, notices, or warnings from a consumer reporting agency.

Category 2: Suspicious documents

Category 3: Suspicious personally identifying information

Category 4: Unusual use of, or suspicious activity relating to, an account

Category 5: Notice from customers, victims of identity theft, law enforcement, or other businesses about possible identity theft with covered accounts


What info is needed in a Law Enforcement request?

Name 3 of the 5 requirements

Law Enforcement Agency Name

Law Enforcement Agent/Official’s Name

Law Enforcement Agent/Official’s Contact Information

Additional Notes or Details Relating to the Request

Blue Ridge Account Number (if applicable) – please do not provide this or other information to the Law Enforcement Agent/Official.