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Holidays, religions, style of dress, and different languages.
What are some obvious cultural differences that can show up as different online?
By never giving out personal information like your name, address, phone number etc.
How do you keep anonymous online?
It is any information about you, such as your name, location, or your age.
What is personal information?
Some are discriminated by status, wealth, religion, etc.
What cultural differences could be used offensively?
By respected what they say, and do. Also by not asking them embarrassing or personal messages.
How do you respect someone’s internet privacy?
When your personal information is safe anywhere online.
What is online privacy?
A person who is aware that there could be differences between their culture and another person’s, would understand other countries’ traditions and ways of life, or would try to. Culturally sensitive people try to be free from prejudices about other cultures.This is important because what seems acceptable in one countries could be rude or derogatory in others.
Who is a culturally sensitive person?
By making them long and random, you don’t want your password to have info about yourself in it.
How do you protect your passwords?
It is at least eight characters long, doesn't contain your name/username/company, doesn't contain a real word, and contains numbers, symbols, and uppercase letters.
What is a strong password?
Cross cultural sensitivity is an important skill in a job that requires interpersonal communication. People in these professions need to be aware of the cultural factors that may affect others. It is important when dealing in international relations or trade. Or when traveling to understand customs.
What is important about cross cultural sensitivity?
People may steal your personal information, identity, money, or other valuables.
What can happen if you don’t protect a password?
A set of conditions that make a website keep certain information safe and unviewable.
What are privacy settings?
Cultural awareness is the understanding that there are cultural differences and how to respect that, so that you can effectively communicate without problems.
What is cultural awareness?
Because it can result in you being sent to prison or being lawfully punished. Also once you post something on the internet its their forever. You don’t want a future boss or someone seeing that
Why shouldn't you post inappropriate photos of others are yourself
By installing a firewall and a reliable anti-virus.
How can I stop spyware?