Student Pilots
Private Pilots
Flight Rules

What documents are required to be on you when you fly?

Government-issued photo ID, medical, pilot cert, logbook with endorsement if solo (61.3)


What must you complete before soloing?

Pre-solo written exam & instructor must review it with you to 100% (61.87)


If you have to discontinue your checkride for weather or illness, you get credit for everything you've been satisfactory on up until that point. How long do you have to finish that checkride before you have to start all over?

60 days (61.43)


How far away do we need to be from obstacles in congested areas?

1000' above and 2000' horizontally from any obstacle (91.119)


What is our reg for required equipment and what are the acronyms?


CLAPS (91.205c)


How long is a second-class medical valid for if you're 43?

24 calendar months but the privileges drop to third-class after 12 calendar months (61.23)


What do you need before flying into a Class B airspace?

Endorsement from your instructor stating you've received training in that specific airspace (61.95)


Eligibility - What makes you eligible to sit for the Private Pilot checkride?


- Read/speak/write/understand English

- Endorsement for PAR

- Review of AKT deficiencies from your IP

- Passed the PAR

- Flight training

- Aeronautical experience

- Hold U.S. student pilot cert

- Endorsement from CFI


VFR day & night fuel requirements


VFR day - To destination + 30min at normal cruise speed

VFR night - To destination + 45min at normal cruise speed


For us, when is an ELT not required?

When conducting a training flight within 50NM of home airport (91.207)


How long is a temporary cert valid for?

120 days (61.17)


What are the eligibility requirements for a student pilot cert?

Must be at least 16 years of age and read/speak/write/understand English (61.83)

You pass your Private Checkride, congrats! You and your buddy decide to celebrate by flying to Miami for the weekend. You tell him you have to split the costs of the plane rental, fuel, airport costs, etc. evenly because you're not a Commercial Pilot yet. He says, "Ok no problem, dinner and drinks on me tonight then!"


No - There cannot be any appearance whatsoever of you being paid to be a pilot. 


Preflight action - What are the things you need to brief yourself on before each flight?

NWKRAFT (91.103)


- Weather

- Known ATC delays

- Runway lengths

- Alternates

- Fuel requirements

- TOL distances


Where can we find information on preventive maintenance? Give some examples.

Part 43 Appendix A


What are you required to bring with you to a knowledge test?

Endorsement and photo ID (61.35)


What are some things you're required to be trained on before soloing?

Refer to 61.87


Privileges and limitations

PSCRIPT (61.113)

- Pro rata share

- Salesman 

- Charity/Community event

- Rescue & locate

- Incidental to business

- Production test flight

- Tow gliders

What is Special VFR (SVFR) and what are the requirements for flying in it?


- 1SM flight and ground visibility

- Remain clear of clouds

- Requires an ATC clearance

- If flying at night, must be instrument rated


How do we deal with inoperative equipment?



What documents must be in the plane at all times?

POH (91.9), registration cert & airworthiness cert (91.203)


State some student pilot limitations.

A student pilot may not act as PIC of an aircraft (61.89):

- That is carrying a passenger

- That is carrying property for comp/hire

- For comp/hire

- In furtherance of a business

- With a flight/surface visibility of less than 3NM during the day or 5SM at night

- When the flight cannot be made with visual reference to the surface

- In a manner contrary to any limitations put in their logbook by a CFI


Aeronautical experience


- 40 hours total time

- 20 hours dual received, including 3 night (10 TOLs to a full stop and one XC >100NM), 3 instrument, 3 checkride prep within 2 calendar months, 3 XC

- 10 solo, including 5 XC, 3 TOLs to a full stop at an airport with control Tower, one XC >150NM with full stop landings at each point & one leg >50NM


Which reg states the PIC can deviate from any other reg in an emergency?



1) Who is responsible for maintaining the aircraft in an airworthy condition?

2) Who is responsible for ensuring the aircraft is airworthy before flying?

1) Owner/operator

2) PIC
