Animals (Mammals)
Private vs Public
Animals (Reptiles)
Private vs Public
Animals (Water)

What is the slowest animal on land?

The sloth 


What is a public place?

A public place is when there are many (2 or more) people.


Are snakes poisonous?

No. There is no such thing as a poisonous snake. Some snakes are venomous, and some are not.


A public place is somewhere 

a) Someone else might come in 

b) Someone can see/hear you 

c) People are having thoughts about you 

d) All of the above

d) All of the above 


How many bones does an octopus have?

Zero. The only hard structure it has is a beak, but that doesn’t count as a bone.


What is the fastest land animal?

The cheetah


What is a private place? 

A private is when there is just one person. 


How do lizards and snakes smell?

Lizards and snakes smell by licking the air with their tongues.


A private place is somewhere …

a) other people are around 

b) You can expect to be alone 

c) Other people can have thoughts about you     

b) You can expect to be alone 


What is the largest fish in the ocean?

The whale shark. Also known as the gentle giants of the sea, whale sharks can grow to as long as 39 feet (almost 12 meters). They eat only plankton.


What are baby kangaroos called?



What is public behavior?

Public behavior is things you can do when you are with or around other people.


Why do chameleons change the color of their skin?

Mostly to regulate temperatures and to communicate with other chameleons. As cold-blooded animals, chameleons can’t produce body heat and so they rely on the sun.


Give 2 examples of a private place 

Your bedroom alone with the door closed or your bathroom alone with the door closed


What kind of animal uses its skin to breathe?

The frog. Other than their lungs, frogs can also use their skin for breathing.


How many toes does a guinea pig have?

14 in total. They have four toes on their front feet and three toes on their back feet.


What is private behavior?

Private behavior is things you do only when you are by yourself. This should occur in an appropriate private place.


Does a Komodo dragon produce venom?

Yes. It’s long been believed that Komodo dragons use the bacteria in their mouths as venom, but in fact, they do have venom glands and produce venom themselves that causes you to bleed a lot and stops blood from blotting.


Give 2 examples of a public place 

The school van, in the classroom, Target, grocery stores, outside, 


Which water animal eats jellyfish?

Sea turtles


Which animal has the highest blood pressure?

The giraffe. The blood pressure of giraffes measures 280/180 mm Hg, which is two times higher than ours!


Private activities that need to be done in private spaces include using the toilet, getting dressed, showering, scratching an itch on a private body part, and using a tampon. True or false?



What determines the gender of baby sea turtles?

The temperature


Touching private body parts is a private behavior that should be done in a private place. If you do this in public, you could be in trouble with law enforcement. True or false? 



What is something that sharks can sense but humans cannot?

Electric fields. Like rays and other predators in the ocean, sharks can sense small electric fields with a unique organ called the ampullae of Lorenzini (located on the snout).