Simple Privilege
White Privilege

Average price is $3.26

What is the price of a carton of Milk?


This term refers to the unearned advantages or benefits that white people experience in society due to their race.

What is White Privilege?


The normalization of white racial identity throughout America's history in which created a culture where non white persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.

What is Whitness?


The first Black President of the United States.

Who is Barack Obama?


Forty-Three Thousand Dollars a full school year.


What is Out-of-state tuition cost for LSU?


an example of white privilege, where a person can often shop without being followed or suspected of theft based on their race.

What is being free from racial profiling in stores?


Due to white privilege, this group is often less likely to experience discrimination when applying for jobs or interacting with law enforcement.

Who are White People?


A group of people who are culturally, ethnically, or racially distinct from the dominant group in a society and are often treated differently.

What is a Minority?


Average price is $2.83

What is The average price of gas in Baton Rouge.


A 2019 documentary directed by Alex Stapleton and starring Chelsea Handler examining the concept of "White Privilege".

What is Hello Privilege, it's me Chelsea.


This concept explains the idea that white people can often move through society without having to think about race.

What is Racial invisibility?


A requirement for hiring, promoting, admitting, or graduating a specific racial group.

What is A Racial Quota?


Average cost is $2,883 a overnight stay.

What is The cost to stay at a hospital ONE night.


White privilege often leads to this type of bias, where people unknowingly favor those of the same race in hiring, education, and law enforcement.

What is Unconscious bias?


The process by which European immigrants in the United States were gradually accepted as "white" is referred to by this term.

What is Assimilation into Whiteness?


An academic framework that examines how race and racism intersect with laws, policies, and social structures

What is CRT (Critical Race Theory)?


Type of privilege that refers to advantages people have due to gender, socioeconomic status, and physical aspects.

What is Simple/Pretty Privilege?


The phrase "white privilege" was popularized by this feminist and anti-racism scholar in her 1988 essay "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack."

Who is Peggy McIntosh?


This concept refers to the social, political, and economic dominance of white people and the normalization of their cultural practices and values.

What is whiteness as a social construct?


A college or university that was originally founded to educate students of African American descent.

What is a HBCU?