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To dismantle a stage
What is strike?
A basic scenic unit most often used as a wall
What is a flat?
The designated area for the operation of technical equipment (lighting and sound)
What is the booth?
When lights are quickly cut to make the stage completely dark
What is blackout?
A hanging (often painted) cloth that serves as a background for the action
What is a Drop?
Run of the exact performance without an audience
What is a dress rehearsal?
Opening in the stage floor where actors can appear or disappear
What is a trap?
Gauze curtain that lighted from the front appears opaque but when lighted from the back appears translucent
What is a scrim?
Person responsible for the artistic vision of a production
Who is the director?
A cloth that curves around the rear of the stage and is often lighted to represent the sky or used as a projection surface
What is the cyc?
In lighting, a pattern that can be used to project either a realistic image, such as a leaf pattern, or simply create a texured light
What is a gobo?
A copy of the scrip that has the blocking and stage business of the actors, cues for lighting and sound and all other information needed by the stage manger
What is prompt book?
Makeup term that means "to prevent smearing or smudging- locking makeup in place with a coating of powder"
What is set?
A plastic medium used to change the color of a beam of light
What is a gel?
A signal to enter, play music, change lights etc.
What is a cue?
A lighting instrument that produces a hard edged, hightly controlled pool of light/ can be shaped or squared off with the four shutters
What is an ellipsoidal/leko?
Makeup application technique- "a texturing technique in which makeup is applied by touching the skin with a textured surface" and is applied by dabbing or patting rather than stroking.
What is stippling?
Multiple lighting fixtures that when used together cover the entire performing area with a single color from the same direction
What is wash?
Person responsible for implementing the designer's plans, purchasing materials, supervising the construction of the set and overseeing the crews that run the show
Who is the technical director?
Communications protocol standard for sending data from lighting consoles to dimmers, motorized lights and lighting accessory units
What is DMX?
The two events that typically happen during casting
What is audition and callback?
One or more lighting fixtures focused on a limited area, usually not part of a wash
What is a special?
The area in a theatre that is used to build and assemble the flats, platforms and other set pieces required for a performance
What is the scene shop?
Makeup application technique that has the purpose of enhancing the natural appearance of the actor by applying foundation and then emphasizing or de-emphasizing through the application of highlights and shadows.
What is Corrective Makeup?
Providing actors with locations/actions on stage
What is blocking?