In Destiny 2, Oryx's dreadnought is located near this planet
In Stardew Valley, this type of monster can be found in various locations and can even be raised on your farm.
Buster Sword
In the battle royal Apex Legends, the Peacekeeper is this type of weapon
What is used as a portal to enter the world of Narnia.
The Milky Way's closest neighbor galaxy
Andromeda Galaxy
This proud dragon and his hoard of gold lay under the lonely mountain in Tolkien's 1937 novel The Hobbit
The SPNKr from Halo holds this many rockets at once
This plant found in many of the Elder Scrolls games can be used to make potions, and makes a unique chiming noise
How many planets in No Man's Sky?
18 Quintillion (or the highest guess)
This cat-like battle companion joins the player in the Monster Hunter game series
Doom Guy
This is one of the most iconic weapons featured in COD Zombies thanks to its frequent appearances across the mode.
Ray Gun
What are the 4 original D&D classes?
Fighting man (fighter), Magic User (mage), Cleric, Thief
In Halo 1 the name of the ship that Master Chief wakes up on, shares the name of the first mission and the setting of the last mission
The Pillar of Autumn
These are a highly-advanced machine race of synthetic-organic starships. They hibernate, dormant for fifty thousand years at a time, before returning to the galaxy.
The Reapers
This assault rifle is featured in many games of the Call of Duty series, and is particularly well rounded
This race of Middle-earth is the oldest of the Free Peoples of the World. They are known as the Masters of Stone.
This circuit was the component of a TARDIS which changed its outer plasmic shell to assume a shape which blended in with its surroundings so it would be unnoticed when it landed. It broke in the 1960's when the TARDIS assumed the form of a blue police box.
The chameleon circuit
A common summon in the Final Fantasy series, he is known as the King of Dragons
This exotic rocket launcher from Destiny 1 shot powerful cluster missiles. It was so OP that it had to be nerfed to the ground.
How many books are in the fictional Fillory and Further series?
5 originally (the sixth and seventh were written but not published)