Roe v. Wade
Fetal Development
Abortion & Baby
Abortion & Women
Abundant Hope
In this year, Roe v. Wade was ruled on by the Supreme Court
What is 1973
According to many pieces of scientific literature, the point when life begins
What is conception
In what trimester do most abortions occur
What is the first trimester
What age group of women obtained the highest percentage of abortions
What is 20-24
Every year around May, Abundant Hope hosts this outdoor fundraising event
What is Walk for Life
True or False: Norma McCorvey (Roe) in Roe v. Wade, never had abortion and is currently a Pro-Life advocate
What is True
The number of days post conception that a babies heart starts beating
What is 21-28 days
After this many weeks, unborn babies begin to feel pain
What is 18-20
What organization is the largest provider of abortion
What is Planned Parenthood
The piece of medical equipment Abundant Hope is fundraising for
What is an ultrasound
This event is held to protest Roe v. Wade and show support for the Pro-Life Movement
What is March for Life
By the 9th month of pregnancy, the essential organ for breathing that is almost fully developed
What are lungs
Steve Jobs, John Lennon, Nelson Mandela, and Eleanor Roosevelt were all _________ in their childhood
What is adopted
Name one issue/factor that some people believe abortion should be legal for
What is rape, incest, mother's health, fetal abnormalities
Name two of the services Abundant Hope offers
What are counseling, pregnancy tests, diapers/baby food, support groups, referrals
At what governmental building does the March for Life end at
What is Supreme Court Building
The unborn baby begins to develop brain waves this many weeks after conception
What are 6 weeks
Most doctors define viability at _________ weeks, however, with new medical advances babies can survive at earlier stages in development.
What is 24 weeks
The name of the Cape Cod woman who died from complications with an abortion in 2007
What is Laura Hope Smith
Who was the speaker at Abundant Hope's fundraising dinner this year?
What is Betty Poirier
The companion Supreme Court case to Roe v. Wade that allows a woman to get an abortion for any reason
What is Doe v. Bolton
This birth defect affects the spinal column and doctors can surgically treat it before birth using fetal surgery
What is Spina Bifida
About what percent of women who are considering an abortion see an ultrasound of their unborn baby and do not have an abortion
What is 78% (70%-90%)
The name of the bill proposed by Massachusetts Citizens for Life that would correct language in the definition of clinic to include facilities that perform 10 or more abortions a year and they would be required to be licensed as medical facilities. There are about 16 unlicensed abortion facilities in Massachusetts.
What is the Women's Safety Act
What year did Abundant Hope open
What is 2010