What should we be asking for when pax has an international program?
What is the passport information.
This is the date pax should choose, we encourage FPD.
What is waitlist date.
Pax wants an exception on cancellation fees , what should we do with the order?
What is still process the cancellation.
We can ask this to compare to our own temperatures.
What is the weather.
What macro is this case template from?:
Did you review the deck plan ?
Name of Participant (s)
Cabin choice (primary choice, plus two back ups)
1st Choice.
2nd Choice.
3rd Choice.
Which RS accommodation level is the participant enrolled in ?
Is this request for a double or single?
Would the participant prefer twin beds or one bed ?
Is there a certain cabin location on board that the participant wishes to secure in advance such as mid ship, aft, forward , port, starboard, or N/A ?
Date of enrollment :
Is follow up required ? Method of follow up (Phone/email)?:
Cabin Request
We should check for this if no account pulled up when pax calls in.
What is the correct phone number/ link it to the account
When will pax be subject to fees?
What is when they clear the WL.
Pax states they have “ full coverage” so they should not get any fees even in the 100% fee window. What should we go over?
What is the claim process and CFAR expectations.
We can use this to build upon what’s local to pax.
What is pax address.
What macro is this case template from?:
What is their specific issue? -
Is there an error message? If yes, what does it say? -
Is there a duplicate account? -
What type of device and operating system do they use? -
Which web browser do they use? -
Did you try to resolve the issue? -
Web Assist
What is something we can check for updates, these can be started by RS or by pax
What is open cases.
Where does the enrollment notice live once pax clears WL?
What is program records/ notice history.
Pax has credits on the order they are about to cancel what should we check when we notice this?
What is the expiration date on credits to set correct expectations.
We can use this history to ask about where they have been.
What is order history.
What macro is this case template from?:
Who needs it?
What is this related to? (RS policy, error, or other)
Summary of issue/request:
What is the pax desired result? (ex. fee waiver, etc)
Is anything time sensitive? (ex. fee schedule, program start date, etc)
Did supervisor or AAL provide guidance already? If so, what was it?
What have you already reviewed with the participant? (ex. policy, payment history, etc.)
Supervisor Needed
Participant says they have not gotten any emails from us.
What is checking the correct email address.
What can we check to see if the provider might let more pax join the program?
What is max capacity box.
What should we send after a cancellation if pax has questions about how to fill out a claim?
What is Trip Protection Plan: Post Cancellation Information
We can ask about this to build anticipation and excitement.
What is upcoming programs.
What macro is this case template from?:
What is needed? -
Who needs it? -
When do they need it by? -
Why do they need it? -
What actions have you taken? -
Is pax seeking additional communication beyond info provided in automated emails/My Account?
If yes, how do they want to be contacted? Email? Phone?
Participant says they have done to 4 advisors today about the same issue with no resolve, there are no cases on file.
What is call log notes.
Where can we check what position pax is in on the WL.
What is details tab on the order level.
Where should we direct pax if they have specific questions about documentation or covered reasons?
What is AON.
What helps us catch information pax shares, that we can then build upon?
What is active listening.
What macro is this case template from?:
Name as It Appears on Passport:
First Name on Passport:
Middle Name on Passport:
Last Name on Passport:
Passport Number:
Date of Expiration:
Date Of Birth —
Air Needed? From Where- Int’l enrollment —
Double or single room (also category if applicable) —
Special Requests or Special Needs —
HH ID or Order #
Preferred departure city-
Preferred class -
Program Start Date -
Arrival Date (if arriving early) -
Departure Date-
Other Requests? (Times of arrival, etc)
Confirmed Passport is valid?-
Late Enrollment